Interesting statistics for you anti-gunners out there.

I somewhat agree with you…However, those absurly high rates are not criminals murdering innocent people for the MOST part, its gang on gang violence so would law abiding citizens carrying drastically lower the murder rate? I would say no because they are not the target. I bet it would lower successful burglaries and possibly robberies though.

Oklahoma City bombings killed many and only used diesel fuel and fertilizer. If someone is that whacked to actually go through with an attack, they will use anything available. And lets face it, everyday household items that can be used are plentiful.

Effort plays a big role.

Half of these kiddies couldn’t tie their shoe much less plan a major bombing and make a bomb in their moms basement. That needs resources, long time planning, dedication, high chance of fail and bomber wanted to live.

Here you wake up one morning, grab your moms guns, shoot her in her sleep and drive down to a local school. Hardly rocket science and required no capita. Plus no risk if he was planning to take his own life.

Where to take a girl out on a date requires more planning and prep. :ponder

Youngest school shooting in US involved a 6 year old shooter. You won’t find a 6 ear old Oklahoma city bomber :lol

Just saying that anything is possible. helll look at 9/11, no guns used and 3 hijacked planes with thousands killed…

And that started a war…

Once again, not exactly something you just wake up and do without planning for months and paying thousands of dollars to execute.

no guns.