Gun Control

Figured we could have a new debate, I am sick of the same Dem vs Rep debates.

So what is your take on gun control? I will start by saying I am against it for the most part. I do believe in screening before one purchases a handgun, but as far as shotguns and rifles go, I like how it is generaly an open market.

…nuff said

(couldn’t find the pic from Happy Gilmore lol)

gun control dont do shit

canada has no gun control, u dont see ppl blowing each other away everyday up there

besides, ide be willing to bet that most ppl who commit murder do so with a stolen gun, or and unregistered gun

its useless, ppl are too ignorant and will never stop shooting one another

Gun Control means a steady hand, gun control means hitting your target, an armed society is a polite society. How’s that.

Used to be a dealer way back in the early 90’s

Owning hand guns after a background check is fine. My only beef is with automatic’s and the like. No need for uzi’s.

I get pissed when anyone tries to tell me what to do or puts thier ideas into my existance. That goes for all, especially with guns.

Right to arms FTW

I do agree with stroked Z28 in that Automatics aren’t needed.

move to vermont

no gun laws there

“gun controll means a steady hand” is one of the funniest bumper stickers ive seen in a while…

but i think as long as a person doesnt have a history of voilence or an unstable mind there is no reason not to be able to own a pistol.

lol actually sadly the US, with the lowest level of gun control among industrialized countries has the highest level of crimes commited using a gun, murder using a gun and suicide using a gun.

Ideally I would love to be able to be lax on gun control but unfortunately it just does not work out that way

edit: canada, england, china, japan etc have gun control measures and also have MUCH lower guns/person than the usa, we pretty much equal all other countries put together in guns/person…pretty sad.

you are getting the view from a wanna be/soon to be law enforemcent official so I totally take another view on things…

I grew up in an area much different than where I live now. Growing up we had no town police, and the nearest state police barracks was 25 minutes away. So if you called the cops (there was no 911 service when I was growing up there) the response time was between 2 and 25 minutes, depending on where the nearest car was. Needless to say, people had guns because 25 minutes is a long fucking time if something goes down.

Living here in Williamsville I had to call 911 once, when I had some smoke downstairs. 45 SECONDS later an APD car was in my driveway. With that kind of response time I can see why a lot of my neighbors see no use for guns. I tell them to simply look at New Orleans to realize that your police force may not always be there.

So yeah, guns FTW. I don’t care what crazy shit the APD may be dealing with, you come knocking on my door to loot you made a real bad choice.

I am not in favor of stricter gun control. If I lived in the country I would own a lot of guns.

If someone is going to do a drive by, do you really think they care that the gun is legally registered?

At first I was going to say something.

Then I remembered it was a hypothetical situation. So if you want the person to knock on your door before they steal, that’s ok. In my hypothetical situation Hillary Clinton floats in riding a pegasus post. Bareback. This is no easy task–but in my world Hillary Clinton can most certainly ride post bareback. On a pegasus.

Thank goodness the man of the household had salt which he spread around the house and that devil bitch and her horrible spawn-of-medusa pet died. Phew. Thank-GOOD-ness.

you can’t compare crime in the US to other countries, we have totally different views on life, different values et al…
For those that say we don’t need automatic weapons, you right, we don’t need them, we don’t need cars that go faster than 65 mph, we don’t need books other than text books and manuals, we don’t need a lot of stuff. What difference does it make if Joe law abider has an automatic weapon or not? It certainly won’t make him a criminal for having one(present laws excluded).

For those that think the police wil be there soon, it takes 1 second for a blade to penetrate your sternum/abdomen and hit a major organ or artery, it takes 1/100th of a secodn for a bullet to exit a gun and hit a major organ/artery. in that case, even 10 seconds is too slow to prevent major injury or death.

Yeah, Uzi’s and the like are fun (I have never shot one but they seem cool), but they are useless other than just messing around. It is a fact that places where publicly owned firearms have been taken away have a much higher crime rate because the people have no way of defending themselves (London’s rose over 300%!!). Places where everybody walks around with a glock…well, nobody screws with you. The problem is not the law abiding citizens, it is the criminals that have guns that use them for bad things. Even if you take them away from the responible people, the bad ones will still get them, it has been proven time and time again.

I want a 50 cal BMG. I dont need one…but I like the idea of being able to hiot something from 2 miles away lol.

yes we do there are other parts of the country besides WNY, they have higher speed limits

For those that think the police wil be there soon, it takes 1 second for a blade to penetrate your sternum/abdomen and hit a major organ or artery, it takes 1/100th of a secodn for a bullet to exit a gun and hit a major organ/artery. in that case, even 10 seconds is too slow to prevent major injury or death.

wow, usually if someone has a knife to your through, natural reaction is not going to say I am going to reach into my belt/hoster/pocket pull out the gun fire, ya uhmm you probably will be dead already.

I am personally for strictor gun control laws, but growing up somewhere that has a populous you will naturally be.

fixed lol.
I think gun laws are too strict…especially that lame ass “assault rifle” bullshit. What is the difference between a .22 rifle with a regular stock and a 20 shot clip and a.22 rifle with a folding stock, pistol grip, and flash suppressor? There isn’t any! It is like saying it should be illegal to put an aftermarket body kit on your car. It is purely comedic.

Oh, and if someone has a knife to your throat, you are suppose to grab the blade and pull it down. it will severly cut your finger/hand, but beats having your throat slit.

Gun sales are fine if they are being sold to the right type of person
I am ALL for gun sales but a background check is needed, although NY makes it a miserable PITA for a pistol permit which is bit excessive of a waiting period

IMO, if someone wants to kill someone and they don’t have a gun, they will just use another means, IE stab them

in other countries with stricter gun laws there were less gun kilings and more knife killings etc… people will just find another way to kill somone

lastly, if a potential criminal suspects that thier potential victim, or a nearby good samaritan is packing, this will most likely act as a deterrant to commit said crime

yeah I am all for background checks and fingerprinting. I am however against the long waiting time required in Erie county.