The NRA on Obama

This got posted on another forum and I would like to see what people around here thought about it.

Basically, this whole list is a spin on anything Barrack Obama has done with his time in office that had something to do with guns/gun laws. You can tell a lot of it is spun to feed into redneck ignorance.

Assault weapons anyone? Better not vote for Obama then…:cjerk:

The sourced every one of their facts.

Are you really surprised that one of the countries most liberal senators is not a friend of the NRA?

The NRA rated Obama with an “F” for his policies about guns.

Although I could care less what the NRA thinks about a political candidate.

Not at all. I just thought a lot of it was bullshit.

You’re slipping!

I am, sorry boo, real tired.

Oh god…thats an abortion of a sentence.

-self karma.

In an interview Obama said he prefers IEDs over guns.
Oh, wait that may have been Osama.

How so? Is it “bullshit” simply because you’re anti-gun or do you think Obama is more pro-gun than the NRA is making him out to be?

The latter. I’m not anti-gun. It just seems like there is some spin on those facts. Which is why I posted. HELP ME UNDERSTAND JAY! lol

It does not spin anything…it gives facts about Obama’s stance on firearm related issues, and even offers citations for each fact…I don’t see a problem there :gotme:. Its the National Riffle Association…aka, they are concerned about firearm laws.

FACT: Barack Obama voted not to notify gun owners when the state of Illinois did records searches on them.10

FACT: Barack Obama voted against a measure to lower the Firearms Owners Identification card age minimum from 21 to 18, a measure designed to assist young people in the military.11

^ Just trying to get a clear picture of where you’re coming from.

Bottom line, if gun rights are a big issue for you, Obama probably shouldn’t be your guy.

It’s an issue for me but not a deciding one.

But this one:

FACT: Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.

And this one:

FACT: Barack Obama opposes four of the five Supreme Court justices who affirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms. He voted against the confirmation of Alito and Roberts and he has stated he would not have appointed Thomas or Scalia.

Those are real big issues to me. Roberts IMHO is one of the best picks we’ve seen in a long time. And I’m tired of politicians not standing up to the class action lobby and putting an end to the BS lawsuits we see in this country.

“Oh, you got shot, sue the gun manufacture”.

“Oh, you’re fat, sue McDonalds”.

“Oh, you got hit by a drunk driver who was driving a leased Ford F150, sue Ford”.

I completely agree. We need laws limiting the amount of bs lawsuits. That is one thing I cant stand about liberals…their veiws on personal responsability are VERY lacking.

no citizen has any need to own a assault weapon in my opinion

I see. It seemed so illogical to me when I first read it. I don’t see too many gun laws changing, regardless of who makes it into office, but this just struck me as a regular political campaign to make the opponent look bad.

And x2 with laws to stop BS lawsuits.

define an assault weapon. By definition, you can take a stock .223, put a flash supressor and a folding stock on it and it is now an “assault riffle”. It uses the same ammunition and has the same rate of fire as a regular .223…but not ir looks different. That is like banning mods to your car because they make you look like youre going to speed and break the law. It is a very simple minded way of thnking.

what’s your definition of “assault weapon”?

Aren’t the gun rights so we can defend ourselves against the govt?
We NEED assault rifles.
Have you seen our military?

There is nothing wrong with those facts. He is just another politician trying to take away our firearms. People think guns are bad just because of the few that kill someone with a gun.

Better than Hillary, I’m sure. You can’t go worse than what she’s done.

yeah Hitlary is pretty bad.

LOL, that is a perfect analogy!