1 dead, 3 injured in shooting at a Harlem park

Police say at least four people were shot, one fatally, at a basketball court in Harlem Sunday afternoon.

Four men were playing basketball in the park around 4:50 p.m. when they were shot.

A 25-year-old man suffered gunshot wound to the back and a 23-year-old was shot in the head.

The third victim, a 20-year-old man, was shot when a bullet grazed his head and a 19-year-old victim was shot in the leg. All four men were taken by EMS to Harlem Hospital.

The 25-year-old victim later died from his injuries. The other three men are listed in stable condition.

The shooting took place at St. Nicholas Playground South located on 7th Avenue and West 129th Street. The basketball court is across the street from Salem United Methodist Church.

Police have made no arrests and their investigation is ongoing.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). All calls will be confidential.

Read more: FOX 5 New York

Video can be found here.


So let’s see a man acquires a gun where nobody is supposed to have guns - Liberal Fail.

A man goes on such a quick shooting spree that even if somebody in the crowd had a gun, it would have changed nothing - Conservative Fail

If anybody brings up an argument of this would have never happened if others were armed nobody would go shooting - I can bring up a ton of articles where people go on rampages of shooting at the cops and the controversial shootings in military bases. - conservative logic fail.

Point - too many idiots have guns…

Its simple, you tell someone they can’t have/do something and they will do whatever to do it or have it.

Though Liberals will never understand that.

thats what it comes down to… stupid people should not have guns

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make?

Laws tell people that you can’t do something.

You “can’t” rob, kill, rape or stab people… does that mean we all go out and do such things and go out of our way to do them?

Not to that extent…

But as far as gun laws are concerned, you tell people they can’t have guns and they will find a way to get them.

Well that’s like saying - you shouldnt lock your doors as people who want to rob you will find a way to do so.

Yet you still lock your doors and your car. Yet robbings still happen. Does not compute.

I don’t see nobody fighting against the no rocket launcher or grenade laws either. Why can’t ordinary citizens have them? Those who want them, will get them.

Point is… He should have learned to spell better, so you know there is an e on the end of horse and don’t get into an argument over how you won already at hors…

Laws are in place for honest citizens.

I agree with usmc… To some, those laws may look like a challenge.

Vlad - You’re right, we still lock our cars and doors, will it prevent a break in… Maybe, it’s a deterrent… Not a perfect solution.


Lets be frank here - just about nobody is a perfect citizen and doesn’t break any laws.

On the other hand, we are all honest citizens until we go on shooting sprees.

Thank you for realizing how deterrents work.

Anyslut, All I’m saying is I want a goddamn rocket launcher to have some fun with, I won’t hurt anybody I promise. :vlad

There’s a big difference between getting a speeding ticket and shooting someone.

Going 186 mph lands you in jail just as well and you’re a speeding bullet whizzing by innocent motorists in many cases when bikers do it.

I don’t get what’s so hard to understand.

Gun laws don’t work.

Everybody having a gun and other types of weapons being unrestricted doesn’t work either.

There is an optimalish medium in between, which is kind of where out society is right now.

So let me get this straight… You’re throwing the “if” card out there saying nothing would’ve changed had someone in the crowd had a gun… Then go on to say that “if” anybody brings up an argument about armed citizens preventing this…

When in the CO thread, you’re all “anti-if” when it comes to people making assumptions…

You can’t say a speeding car is anything like a bullet. While both speeding like an a-hole and shooting in public (in any direction) will end up with someone in jail, the media and antis will twist one of those things to show why people shouldn’t have something.

To be straight, here’s where I stand on gun laws:
Licenses to OWN handguns = bullshit
Licenses to CARRY handguns = understandable, though 6+ months of waiting is BS.
“Assault” weapon bans = bullshit
Mag capacity bans = bullshit
Legitimate assault weapon bans = whatever, not for or against it. Should be similar to getting a concealed carry permit for handguns.
Suppressor bans = bullshit.
Short barreled rifle bans = bullshit
Background checks = 100% for. It prevents legal guns from getting into a felon’s hands to a point. They will not, however, prevent a criminal from getting a gun.

As Vlad said, gun laws are usually pointless.

Huh? The only two sentences that use “if” here were shot down here once again as non valid arguments. That’s only reason they were brought up to begin with. Read the full text.

This seems relevant.

Loljk it’s not. But neither is this thread, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Let’s face , everything is out of our hands and the if,s or what’s are what we have for comforts or a relief in our own minds …

cant say im shocked. look at the address. i say its Darwin at work.

I agree with everything said here.

This feels like a continuation of the Colorado theater thread…this thread was posted just for the sake of continuing a disagreement.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2

Your arguement is for the reaction to the idiot with the gun in the first place.

Allowing MORE GOOD CITIZENS to have guns and giving them the ability use them correctly and legally is a PREEMPTIVE action.

Gunmen like the CO guy and that ghetto thug in harlem for the most part are pussy cowards, who more than likely hope they are the only ones armed so they have the upper hand and are “safe”.

Concept is simple, the only safe way out of any of this is keeping EITHER PARTY from pulling the trigger. Good legally armed people wont shoot unless provoked. Morons might not shoot if they knew 50 other people near by are also armed and ready to defend.

The gun laws allowing people to CC are there to attempt to STACK THE ODDS AGAINST THE IDIOTS OUT THERE.

I’ll get back to you on this.

All I will say for now is “good legally armed citizens” isn’t a permanent condition. Everybody is good until they do something bad. Most of the time they are legally armed.

Other point, is that getting shot back at is rarely a deterrent as is evidenced by nuts unloading on the cops. I even came across a guy unloading in a shooting range against somebody else.