Sensative son of a bitches


I could rant a page or 2, but will just say this makes me hate black people as a whole even more then I already did.


:tup::tup:thats logical hate blacks because a white man called a group of blacks, hos, clearly you should be offended and hate us more, if you wanna discuss you hatred we cant start a thread about how much the black man has ruined your life:bloated:

edit: can i nominate this up for the stupidity ban???

As a Black man, I say he shouldnt have said it but I dont think he should have lost his job. Kramers shit was worst, alot worst IMO


I could rant a page or 2, but will just say this makes me hate black people as a whole even more then I already did.




:tup::tup:thats logical hate blacks because a white man called a group of blacks, hos, clearly you should be offended and hate us more, if you wanna discuss you hatred we cant start a thread about how much the black man has ruined your life:bloated:

edit: can i nominate this up for the stupidity ban???





I think it was something that shouldn’t have been said, but look at all of the big wig African American figures who are talking about how the words are degrading and disrespectful. If that is the case then why don’t they have a problem with every reporter across the country saying it. They could just reference the situation instead of quoting it if it was as bad as it was made out to be.

“Black” people call their own race worse day in and day out, and cry wolf when a white person says something that isn’t “black enough” to make it in a rap song. It’s a joke. The black man hasn’t ruined my life at all. If there was a White Entertainment Television or a Miss White America Pageant then once again the black community would be in a uproar.

Look at what they say about Barack Obama, “he’s not really black”. And a direct quote from one African American politician “He’s like an adopted brother. You love him but he’s not yours.” They cry and bitch for equality and unity but are racist against their own kind and do what they can to make sure they are not on the same page as the “white man”.


im so sick of all these racial issues over EVERYTHING.

if a word/phrase offends you that much stop saying it and then maybe i will be on your side the next time a person thats not in that " group" says it.


See there’s the problem. The people complaining about it don’t say it..

Yet everyone bitches about the rap starts, comics, etc. etc. They do not necessarily make up the majority by far. There are way more people that don’t have/use those words or thoughts than you think.

So perhaps they should have a right to complain.

A lot of people seem to be generalizing or painting with a broad brush when it suits them. And that goes for both ends of the equation.

ALERT Run-on sentence approaching ALERT

Think of it this way:

If white people as a whole want to be exhonerated from the notion of being racist or having racist tendencies because they weren’t personally responsible for slavery or overt racism/segregation even though some white people still think this way, then how can you say black people as a whole can’t complain about comments that are a slight to them because some black people still use those comments in music or comedy?

*ALERT Run-on sentence storm is over ALERT

Think about it. There are a lot of things the human race as a whole will need to work through before “utopia” is reached. Hundereds of years of set ways in thinking isn’t going to be wiped out in a few decades. We can sure try, but it’s going to be uphill.


I could rant a page or 2, but will just say this makes me hate black people as a whole even more then I already did.


Case in point :roll:

So now should I hate all the white people on NYSpeed?

That’s the kind of crap we (everybody) are dealing with. And you wonder why this stuff is still a big issue and hasn’t gone away yet.


I think it was something that shouldn’t have been said, but look at all of the big wig African American figures who are talking about how the words are degrading and disrespectful. If that is the case then why don’t they have a problem with every reporter across the country saying it. They could just reference the situation instead of quoting it if it was as bad as it was made out to be.

“Black” people call their own race worse day in and day out, and cry wolf when a white person says something that isn’t “black enough” to make it in a rap song. It’s a joke. The black man hasn’t ruined my life at all. If there was a White Entertainment Television or a Miss White America Pageant then once again the black community would be in a uproar.

Look at what they say about Barack Obama, he’s not really black. And a direct quote from one african american politician “He’s like an adopted brother. You love him but he’s not yours.” They cry and bitch for equality and unity but are racist against their own kind and do what they can to make sure they are not on the same page as the “white man”.


before i get banned lets get a few things straight…you sure softened up ur stance when two black guys called you out why??? There was nothing you have said that justifies you being a racist just makes you look like an asshat, you sit here and try to justify your stance by citing black politicians and black media references but you yourself cant see past color so im sure you dont take those seriously so your just using them to support your claim so just stop. Like Don Imus you have the right to be a racist prick but dont expect reprecussions maybe me an you can meet up an discuss how much you hate blacks over a beer itd be a fun time no???

(P.S. Campbell just scored)


See there’s the problem. The people complaining about it don’t say it..

Yet everyone bitches about the rap starts, comics, etc. etc. They do not necessarily make up the majority by far. There are way more people that don’t have/use those words or thoughts than you think.

So perhaps they should have a right to complain.

A lot of people seem to be generalizing or painting with a broad brush when it suits them. And that goes for both ends of the equation.

ALERT Run-on sentence approaching ALERT

Think of it this way:

If white people as a whole want to be exhonerated from the notion of being racist or having racist tendencies because they weren’t personally responsible for slavery or overt racism/segregation even though some white people still think this way, then how can you say black people as a whole can’t complain about comments that are a slight to them because some black people still use those comments in music or comedy?

*ALERT Run-on sentence storm is over ALERT

Think about it. There are a lot of things the human race as a whole will need to work through before “utopia” is reached. Hundereds of years of set ways in thinking isn’t going to be wiped out in a few decades. We can sure try, but it’s going to be uphill.


:word:this is what i was hoping to get across but you put it much more eliquently then I


If white people as a whole want to be exhonerated from the notion of being racist or having racist tendencies because they weren’t personally responsible for slavery or overt racism/segregation even though some white people still think this way, then how can you say black people as a whole can’t complain about comments that are a slight to them because some black people still use those comments in music or comedy?


You can use music because millions upon millions of people buy the cd’s and download the songs in support of the work. In my opinion, which I am not stating as right or wrong, if you don’t use the terms but support those who do then you support the use of those words.

You didn’t see early rap artists using words and terms that are race sensitive or degrading to women their work. There in ever sentence in today’s rap.

i have talked to a few african americans about this. none were offended by it they thought it was a harmless joke. i personally think jackson and sharpton are nothing but bottom feeding pos. there not for black rights there for filling there pockets. u are going to sit there and tell me they never said anything racial towards white people. the race card gets pulled so easily and it discuss me. imus apoligized to the basketball team and thats good enough. sharpton took a harmless joke and turned imus in to the leader of the kkk. imus does alot of chariatable work. he is a good thing u will see is hookers calling for oand a or howard stern to be fired because its degrading to there life style.


You can use music because millions upon millions of people buy the cd’s and download the songs in support of the work.

You didn’t see early rap artists using words and terms that are race sensitive or degrading to women their work.


You are wrong.

I was alive and old enough when rap started, and I can tell you just from growing up in NYC that you are dead wrong. The terms may not be the same as now, but they still did it.

That has nothing to do with however. millions of millions buy the cds… but are ALL of them black? If you are going to make a statistical argument, then maybe you should get some accurate statistics. Sales numbers are country and worldwide, not race-wide. :roll:

Music is Art. How much art and music gets bought because it’s taboo? Who says because it’s bought that said music/art is good (as in wholesome, uplifting, etc.)?


i have talked to a few african americans about this. none were offended by it they thought it was a harmless joke.


that is true

[/quote] imus apoligized to the basketball team and thats good enough. sharpton took a harmless joke and turned imus in to the leader of the kkk. imus does alot of chariatable work. he is a good thing u will see is hookers calling for oand a or howard stern to be fired because its degrading to there life style.[/quote]

does Imus do charity work?? yes is he known for being a racist??? yes
and comparing the african american race to hookers might be reaching a lil bit???:gotme:


i have talked to a few african americans about this. none were offended by it they thought it was a harmless joke. i personally think jackson and sharpton are nothing but bottom feeding pos. there not for black rights there for filling there pockets. u are going to sit there and tell me they never said anything racial towards white people. the race card gets pulled so easily and it discuss me. imus apoligized to the basketball team and thats good enough. sharpton took a harmless joke and turned imus in to the leader of the kkk. imus does alot of chariatable work. he is a good thing u will see is hookers calling for oand a or howard stern to be fired because its degrading to there life style.


And this is why the focus is lost. This is not about Sharpton and Jackson. We already know about those two. And you know what, just like Imus, they do charitable work too. So what? Imus gets a pass because he does a telathon? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do a lot of charity work too. Where’s their free pass? You may hate Jackson and Sharpton, but at least they are consistent. Remeber when Gore’s wife teamed up with Delores Tucker going after all the rappers and such for language? That’s when the parental advisory warnings started going on CDs and games. Who was marching lockstep with them? Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You think they don’t clash with the rappers, comedians, etc. on this issue too? They ALWAYS have.

If the joke was so harmless, why is everyone so pissed off? Since when was Imus a comedian? If that was a joke, it sucked. And there is the crux of it.

I’m not saying Sharpton or Jackson are not hurting the whole situation, but Imus isn’t doing it any good either.

And we can go right down the line and point fingers.

iam over exagerating and yes imus actually owns a camp he runs in the summer for kids with cancer


Case in point :roll:

So now should I hate all the white people on NYSpeed?

That’s the kind of crap we (everybody) are dealing with. And you wonder why this stuff is still a big issue and hasn’t gone away yet.


i hate you

you nappy headed moderator.

does it make me a bad person that i want to be black so i can have a sweet afro? i was standing in line to pay for my coffee this morning and this dude in front of me had the coolest afro… and its all i could think about all day is how sweet i would be if i had one too.

Something else that just crossed my mind here. This one is for RX3 and Afrank, since i’m looking for your opinions.

Don Imus made a racist statement and apologized for it. The Duke lacrosse players were chastised by sharpton and company because the stripper was Black. Those kids lives are pretty much tainted because of this, and they have absolutly nothing to do with what supposedly “happened” to her, yet nobody is looking for the black community to apologize for what they said about those kids.


Something else that just crossed my mind here. This one is for RX3 and Afrank, since i’m looking for your opinions.

Don Imus made a racist statement and apologized for it. The Duke lacrosse players were chastised by sharpton and company because the stripper was Black. Those kids lives are pretty much tainted because of this, and they have absolutly nothing to do with what supposedly “happened” to her, yet nobody is looking for the black community to apologize for what they said about those kids.


I’d say you’re wrong on that one too. Many people in the black community took a “wait and see” approach on that. Rember the Tawana Brawley case? A lot of people learned not to believe everything you hear after that mess. You read around and talk to people and you will find out as much. I can speak for myself personally: when that story came out I thought the lacross team was innocent all along. There are a lot of things with the rape laws in this country that empower the prosecution to skip due process.

Was Sharpton and company wrong for jumping the bandwagon. Hell yes, and they should be taken to task for not waiting for the facts. I don’t think you’ll get many people black or otherwise that don’t think that. But keep in mind that all anyone had to go on was hearsay and media reports. Nifong did a good job of covering up the facts to push his re-election, and that burned A LOT of people.

And another thing people. Sharpton and Jackson are not the “voice of black America”. We don’t follow them blindly. People have eyes and ears and make their own opinions. Sometimes they (Sharpton and Jackson) are right, and sometimes they are wrong. They are opinionated just like everybody else.


Something else that just crossed my mind here. This one is for RX3 and Afrank, since i’m looking for your opinions.

Don Imus made a racist statement and apologized for it. The Duke lacrosse players were chastised by sharpton and company because the stripper was Black. Those kids lives are pretty much tainted because of this, and they have absolutly nothing to do with what supposedly “happened” to her, yet nobody is looking for the black community to apologize for what they said about those kids.


i followed this case pretty closely so i like to believe i know a few things about this… i dont believe the black community was the main proprietor of this attack on those kids I’m sure a lot of black jumped the gun an rode the guilty bandwagon but the DA Nifong was the main firestarter should those boys be apologized to maybe…maybe not something did happen that night rape prolly not but it was something that caused the young lady to claim this. Because if you look at it like this what did she have to gain from them going to jail??? She wasnt going to make any money and she wasnt going for the 15 minutes of fame becuase to this day they have kept her identity secret. Not to mention the email about skinning a whore from the one player to all the others. In my best guess is something happened that those two strippers didnt like and they went out of their way to get retribution. Do i think what happened to those players sucked yes, but if you have ever played a sport at any level you know that you are held to a higher standard you cant just go around doing as you please, your not just a regular joe. I believe the Nifong apologized today, should people like Sharpton and Jackson apologize for any despariging remarks probably for representing someone they thought was raped no. The Black community for being upset at what was presented to them threw the media?? Well let me phrase it like this if the roles were reversed and Black were thought of as the “majority” and whites were still feeling types of racism from some not all and a white girl had been raped by a black man then whites would be up in arms. Things like rape always raise automatic unrest so do i think they should be apologized to yes but i think the right person has already done so


always gotta be one guy who has nothing educated to say just says fuck him fuck her who cares if a black persons identity has been attacked.


this is such a COMPLETE joke. The black mans identity was ATTACKED because some WHITE guy with media position called them nappy hoes?
What aout the hours of video and talk where the black man acts like a gangster, thief, drug dealer, pimp, murderer and general scumag… thats TOTALLY cool with the BLACK MANS IDENTITY since they are making money. These kinds of arguments are stupid and do nothing more then make black people look like idiots in everyone elses eyes and divide the sides further… this kind of stupidity stands to undermine years of efforts towards cultutal/racial acceptance


If i said i was coming ova to beat your white ass with a bat because you were white you’d be pissed and retailiate, and if i claimed freedom of speech you’d say bullshit, that’s not part of freedom of speech, so lets jus keep this in perspective it wasnt sharpton an jesse jackson who pushed this issue they supported it after it came up but the media pushed it:gotme:


How exactly is beating someones ass with a bat REMOTELY comparable to calling a person a nappy ho?

That aside you are correct about the media but Sharpton created half the mess. He is a “leader” cough and has the ability to rally more people towards his cause.


i hate you

you nappy headed moderator.

does it make me a bad person that i want to be black so i can have a sweet afro? i was standing in line to pay for my coffee this morning and this dude in front of me had the coolest afro… and its all i could think about all day is how sweet i would be if i had one too.


Don’t hate the playa, hate the game. It’s not my fault you got stuck with the curly afro and can’t hold an afro pick with no hands :stuck_out_tongue: