Imus suing CBS


“Company (CBS Radio) acknowledges that Artist’s (Imus’) services to be rendered hereunder are of a unique, extraordinary, irreverent, intellectual, topical, controversial and personal character and that programs of the same general type and nature containing these components are desired by Company and are consistent with Company rules and policies.”

Probably not a real good thing to have in someone’s contract who you fired for being controversial. :lol:

:word:. Thats like firing a stunt man for crashing a car lol. It’s his job. He is a shock joc. Thats what he does.


Hahaha, sounds like he did his job well as far as the controversial aspect goes.


CBS is in for a hurting thats for sure

I also heard on the news this morning that there was a clause stating he had to have at least 1 warning before being fired.

Hahahah, nice!!

good, I hope he rapes CBS in court

:tup: to Imus

He’s gonna stick it to those nappy headed hoes.

yea, they listened to the “reverend al sharpton” and now they will have to pay out the ass for it. That will teach them to cave to phoney and retarded claims of racism by the so call “black leaders”.

they’ll settle for something north of 10M

^^^^^ yea…then he will get hired by another radio company…


:tup: :tup:

I do not like his show at all. However F’n Awesome Imus. Sue the shit out of them

ya know what really irked me about the whole thing, the fact that Stern had the balls to say that he should of been fired after all the shit talking he did about the FCC and all that bullshit back when he was on regual radio.


I do not like his show at all. However F’n Awesome Imus. Sue the shit out of them


Agreed. I watched about 5 minutes of his show and decided I’d never watch it again, but the way he was lynched by the media and the black community was 10x worse than anything he’s ever said.

All I know is that they replaced him with stephanie miller on MSNBC. And I enjoy her show a lot more.

I hope he wins and opens up a black college fund, or buy stock in B.E.T

Haha, nice.