Sensative son of a bitches


this is such a COMPLETE joke. The black mans identity was ATTACKED because some WHITE guy with media position called them nappy hoes?
What aout the hours of video and talk where the black man acts like a gangster, thief, drug dealer, pimp, murderer and general scumag… thats TOTALLY cool with the BLACK MANS IDENTITY since they are making money. These kinds of arguments are stupid and do nothing more then make black people look like idiots in everyone elses eyes and divide the sides further… this kind of stupidity stands to undermine years of efforts towards cultutal/racial acceptance


See ricks post #45

how exactly is beating someones ass with a bat REMOTELY comparable to calling a person a nappy ho?

Its freedom of speech is it not??? its disrespectful to call someone a ho an its very disrespectful to tell someone your going to beat them with a bat

That aside you are correct about the media but Sharpton created half the mess. He is a “leader” cough and has the ability to rally more people towards his cause.

Let me pose a general question to you and all white people why is it assumed that Al Sharpton is the national spokesman for the black race. There has never been a day in my life where ive felt that i needed him to speak for me idk anyone else who has felt that he is the guy all blacks follow. And as for calling him out for tryin to line his pockets so are all people of prominent position that is the way of the world “get money”
last time i checked a certain president and vice president where continuing a war in which companies they are very closely linked to are getting rich fast…just some food for thought


always gotta be one guy who has nothing educated to say just says fuck him fuck her who cares if a black persons identity has been attacked. like i said i could care less about the comments they were lame an to me unhurtful but to make light of a bigger issuse with fuck him an fuck her is lame. If i said i was coming ova to beat your white ass with a bat because you were white you’d be pissed and retailiate, and if i claimed freedom of speech you’d say bullshit, that’s not part of freedom of speech, so lets jus keep this in perspective it wasnt sharpton an jesse jackson who pushed this issue they supported it after it came up but the media pushed it:gotme:



this is a very petty account. i am not racist. i am not in any way condoning what was said, but its fucking old noise.

dont like my opinion, kiss my ass

i agree. everyone just needs to swallow some shit they dont like sometimes and just deal with it. god DAMN

like patrice said, if ANYONE can say something offensive, then EVERYONE should be able to say it. If someone isn’t allowed, then nobody should.

plain and simple

oh and nappy, you should like an idiot man. There are racists and biggots on both sides of the fence



Its freedom of speech is it not??? its disrespectful to call someone a ho an its very disrespectful to tell someone your going to beat them with a bat


Are you serious?


Do you really think that the first ammendment provides for threats of physical harm?



Do You really think the first amendment provides the attack of a persons identity or integrity???


Do You really think the first amendment provides the attack of a persons identity or integrity???


of course it does

I think you’re right. I’ve been trying to find actual laws (hence my retarded posting/deleting), but the closest thing I can find to a threat being illegal is 3rd degree menacing, which requires a physical act to scare a person. I’m thinking “nappy headed hoes” might be libel or slander, although I’m not sure.

Sharpton and Jackson are essentially “big business men” and they act like it. They see an opportunity, and facilitate or spin it into reality. some things they do are for the greater good, some are for self advancement. they have their own agendas. the simple way that might help people understand my thought pattern here is: watch john stewart a few days and you will start to see the light on how much the country’s politics/priorities/media coverage is way out of wack… everything that happens, everything that the public sees on television has been filtered and culled by big business. its all about perception. you see what they want you to see.

I don’t think what he said was that bad. Howard Stern said things a lot worse than that when he was on regular radio.
When did Ho become a racist word?

I do think it was a mean thing to say about the girls but I don’t think it warranted anything more than a public apology.

As racist as Nappy’s, “makes me hate black people more” statement was, he does have a point. Stuff like this only perpetuates racism in this country.

When Sharpton or Jackson come out belching their poor black people cries no one cares. They’re two of the most racist people in the world, and most people have learned to just ignore them. They get media attention because the liberal media loves stories like this, but mainstream America simply sees them as shit stiring racists assholes.

What hurts race relations is when you see respected, educated black people jump on the Sharpton bandwagon. Al fuckin Roker is calling for Imus’s head?!? Al, how could you? College educated basketball players say, “our season is tainted because of this”, and go on the talk show circuit looking for a shoulder to cry on? Are you serious? Can all the white men and women who Chris Rock and Dave Chappell singled out and called racist names get some of this talk show cash?

When ignornant members of a race, like Sharpton, or rappers, or AFrank act ridiculous over a stupid radio comment, most people see it for what it is; ignorant people who love the sound of their own voice. When a broad cross section of a race act ridiculous over a stupid comment made by an insignifigant man then it makes the whole race look bad.

Will it matter to a white guy who is a card carrying member of the KKK, or NAACP? No, because he already has his views defined. But to those young people who haven’t really made up their minds, BS like this can and does affect their views of a race as a whole.


Sharpton and Jackson are essentially “big business men” and they act like it. They see an opportunity, and facilitate or spin it into reality. some things they do are for the greater good, some are for self advancement. they have their own agendas. the simple way that might help people understand my thought pattern here is: watch john stewart a few days and you will start to see the light on how much the country’s politics/priorities/media coverage is way out of wack… everything that happens, everything that the public sees on television has been filtered and culled by big business. its all about perception. you see what they want you to see.


I think Jackson is a good man. He does what he does because he truly wants to help people. Sharpton on the other hand is a piece of crap who uses his position for money and power.

  1. its only disrespectful calling someone a “ho” if it is truly meant. the guy clearly was joking, since he said it on the air. now whether or not he really feels that way deep inside, that shouldn’t matter here… BECAUSE THIS IS THE TYPE OF HOST HE IS - a SHOCK JOCK. racial remarks, slander, etc should be expected, and TOLERATED. otherwise change the fucking channel.

  2. calling someone a “nappy ho” and saying you are going to BEAT SOMEONE WITH A BAT are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. sure, the nappy ho MAY be a racist comment, but it can also be said to ANYONE, of ANY RACE. it’s how the comment is taken that really determines the meaning. would a white girl cry racism if she was called a nappy ho? she might be upset, but it’s an OPINION and everyone has one. on the other hand, saying you are going to BEAT SOMEONE WITH A BAT is a THREAT, so how is that even comparable? if someone THREATENS me, you’re god damned right i’m gonna be pissed, nomatter what their or my race, sex, age, or anything is.

  3. what the FUCK is this talk about “black america”? and leaders of such a place? talk about segregation… how can racism end if there is a “black america”? personally i’ve never thought about america as being white, black, hispanic, etc. maybe there are certain regions that are predominantly one race, but as a whole america is JUST AMERICA.

as soon as society STOPS THINKING of people as BLACK WHITE YELLOW PURPLE PINK BLUE AND RAINBOW, maybe racism would have a chance to end. and as soon as the fucking idiots like sharpton and jackson wake the fuck up or die, the world will be better off.


When ignornant members of a race, like Sharpton, or rappers, or AFrank act ridiculous over a stupid radio comment, most people see it for what it is; ignorant people who love the sound of their own voice. When a broad cross section of a race act ridiculous over a stupid comment made by an insignifigant man then it makes the whole race look bad.


O yes im ignorant and love the sound of my own voice you have clearly got me fingered here. Have i said i want imus’s head on a platter no i actually defended the man i used an anology to describe why what he said was not part of free speech so i guess that makes me ignorant. Im acting ridiculous???You wanna know what hurts race relations people like you who seem to think that you have all the race issuses figured out and then you tell your friends who tell their friends etc. I say this becuase from reading your posts you seem to have an idea of politics and the way the world turns, so take this in perspective I personally would agree with you on most of your comments, but you are wrong in the regards that if it was your mother or your sister and any man black white or mexican called her a slut or a ho or any derogatory word you would be offended, so playing this off as a minor incident is ignorant on your part. Most people who have followed this story know this isnt about race, this is about an ignorant old man who made a dumb joke that was more sexist than racist, but because a few prominent black people make comments then it is the blacks who are mad…Do your homework he was fired because they lost a ton of sponsorships, that is why he was suspended at first they just wanted to let the water settle but CBS caught a ton of heat from sponsers to pull him. It funny you call me ignorant but you say nothing of the fuck this guy or i hate them blacks or the other blatant racism instead you attack me because you dont agree with my position on things.

^ really he was fired b/c all of the 1) people speaking out saying that this was such a horrible racist incident (and most were black, which is bullshit, idiot conservatives who don’t understand jokes and/or the constitution) … and 2) the NEWS coverage that resulted after people started speaking out about this. the news coverage is what leads to the sponsors dropping off. so in society’s quest to put anything on the news that is deemed “bad” or “drama related”, this guy loses his job over a joke.

afrank - i see you are backing up imus, but it just looks like you’re also sitting on the fence a bit.


^ really he was fired b/c all of the 1) people speaking out saying that this was such a horrible racist incident (and most were black, which is bullshit, idiot conservatives who don’t understand jokes and/or the constitution) … and 2) the NEWS coverage that resulted after people started speaking out about this. the news coverage is what leads to the sponsors dropping off. so in society’s quest to put anything on the news that is deemed “bad” or “drama related”, this guy loses his job over a joke.

afrank - i see you are backing up imus, but it just looks like you’re also sitting on the fence a bit.


Im only on the fence to the extent that if it was my sister i wouldnt want her called a ho on national radio/tv other than that the joke was dumb but not something to get fired for.

AFrank… just so you know, until you learn to use paragraph breaks and proper capitalization, I refuse to read anything you post.

In fact, even if you do, I’ll probably still ignore your posts just for their pure stupidity.


AFrank… just so you know, until you learn to use paragraph breaks and proper capitalization, I refuse to read anything you post.

In fact, even if you do, I’ll probably still ignore your posts just for their pure stupidity.


sorry dad :eyebrow: but obviously you do read them since you comment on them you just thoguht you could take a jab at my poor grammar usage, but you got me there its too bad a smart guy like yourself cant help but try to knock someone done instead of having an adult conversation.

There is no sense having an adult conversation with someone who’s views are so far wrong. You’ve never had a single post since you joined this site that made any sense, from your constantly race card playing to your thread about your broken xbox where you simply could not grasp the solutions people were explaining.

In order to have intelligent debate both sides must first be intelligent. Otherwise all you get is drama, which is why I’m choosing to simply ignore your posts from now on.