Sensative son of a bitches

^^ geez, leave afrank alone. its gotta be tough being one of the very very few african americans that live in NT. :rofl: :tup:

who the FUCK cares about IMUS anyways? :bloated:


^^ geez, leave afrank alone. its gotta be tough being one of the very very few african americans that live in NT. :rofl: :tup:


Especially when he thinks whitey is out to get him. Talk about hiding among the enemy.

normally im all for the use of good grammar, but i think afrank for the most part has made valid points… and they’re even better since they mostly are in line with my opinions, lol.

Thus one of my favorite quotes…

“Never have a war of words with an unarmed man”


Especially when he thinks whitey is out to get him. Talk about hiding among the enemy.


Hey my mother is white so oh yea i dont think whitey is out to get me sorry

Edit: JayS for a guy who seems to know what hes talking about you seem to have your head up your ass today, but i hear from people lately you are quite the douchebag, whats your deal???

^ I just really enjoy calling out stupid people. So I’m guessing your “people” you’re hearing about me from are also stupid. How about you guys start your own forum and go have stupid conversations all day long?

JayS you are so awesome:mamoru:

Just for the record, I’m equal opportunity with my hate of stupid. Jeg is probably one of the most conservative white guys on here, and I’ve called him out for stupid posts as well. So please don’t think my dislike for you has anything to do with skin color. Just like justice, stupid is blind. Blind and dumb. :slight_smile:

^ o i dont i just wanted to point out how many of my posts you read after stating that you would refuse to, thanks for proving my point that you are an idiot

Well, you did start using punctuation.

Plus, this is much less about debate and much more about simply making fun of you. That and I’m really bored at work today.

OT: as much as id love to argue with you did a mod change my job description or did someone hack my computer??


OT: as much as id love to argue with you did a mod change my job description or did someone hack my computer??


Al Sharpton has been monitoring this thread and was so impressed by you he had it changed.


Thus one of my favorite quotes…

“Never have a war of words with an unarmed man”


Yep, unless you’re talking about arguing with a mute, ya fucked that one up. :slight_smile: It’s “battle of wits.”

i dont see how racism will ever go away.
it is ingrained from childhood. everyone has different life experiences
that form their views and opinions. not everyone has the capacity
or desire to evaluate them.

those that have a chance of getting past it will have
to make a concious effort to do so, or someone has to make that
effort on their behalf (like a parent).


Jersey almost lost it’s governor to a car accident while he was on route to meet with Imus and the basketball players.

And :tup: to not wearing your seatbelt. Another case of thinking that being famous or powerful makes you invincible.

Just because someone’s little sensitive feelings were hurt, they get their nappy headed ego’s all in a bunch.

Fucking moron’s. Another example of how a small group of people can ruin it for the majority.



i dont see how racism will ever go away.
it is ingrained from childhood. everyone has different life experiences
that form their views and opinions. not everyone has the capacity
or desire to evaluate them.

those that have a chance of getting past it will have
to make a concious effort to do so, or someone has to make that
effort on their behalf (like a parent).



Here’s an example of why that statement is comepletely true: