Sensative son of a bitches

ok i am not racist at all nor will i ever be. However this is a double standard turn on a rap song you probably here the words ho,pimp,n****,slut yet everyone buys those cds and says its music. Now since an older white man said it stating something about a predominately black womens basketball team everyone is in an uproar. How much do you wanna bet a couple of those girls probably say he whats up ho to each other or your my ho at some point in the time they spent together. Yet thats ok?? This country has free speech. GIVE IMUS HIS JOB BACK


^ Yes, people are talking about it. Unfortunately most of them are whiney liberal douchebags who are “talking” about how Imus should be fired.


youre absolutly right… :frowning: and im a freakin liberal.

Roots has been on Tv lately.

im sure you guys will bash me for this because im the black guy with the different opinion but this is far more than a race issue i have had two disscussion in my criminal justice/race relations class and the real issuse isnt just this time if you research imus he has an extensive history of being a racist there was a report on sixty minutes years back where he hired writers to come up with “nigger” jokes also he didnt call the knicks chest thumping pimps he said they looked like a bunch of apes. Frankly i dont care hes a shock jock thats his M.O. but this was more or less the straw breaking the camels back not to mention that he has publicly tried to play this off instead of fessing up to the shit. the joke wasnt racist it was sexist at worst im black an i didnt get offended for a second and ask anyone who knows me my hair is nappy as shit. The media only made a big deal outta this becuase there was nothing going on. the remarks came on a wednesday and the first anyone heard of it including the women of rutgers was friday so who cares. Also freedom of speech has its limits you have the right to say as you please to a certain degree… but fuck it who cares give him job back its not like he said those lil nigger girls then id be pissed imho

This society has turned into a joke and everyone here has made some solid points. The double standards are ridiculous. More and more people with a actual backbone are starting to stand up and say “this is bullshit”.


This society has turned into a joke and everyone here has made some solid points. The double standards are ridiculous. More and more people with a actual backbone are starting to stand up and say “this is bullshit”.


Really, where are they? They sure aren’t on the news. Maybe I can get away with saying the news has a liberal bias in this thread, since it doesn’t have anything to do with Bush ;). At least not yet. I’m sure CNN or Dan Rather on his HD news channel will soon find some link to Imus’s comment and Bush. :lol:

Patrice Oneal has it right :rofl:

I just want to know when for the first time in history the actual people that a comment was made about will stand up and be outraged instead of everyone else irrelevant to the situation.

Every time something like this happens you rarely hear from the actual “target” of the comment…its everyone else with zero to do and a chance to make some sort of gain for their cause that steps into the spotlight and demands firings and apologies and boycotts.

America…You suck.

Get your head out of your collective ass and go about your business without being constantly enraged over a comments 15 min. of fame.

And because I havent read today…I didnt know he lost his job…I thought he was suspended for 2 weeks and lost the simulcast on MSNBC?

He was completey fired by CBS today.

wow, that is total BS

I hope they suffer from it :slight_smile: You know there are going to be alot of pissed off people. Although, who knows… maybe this will open a whole new can of worms for everyone, jackoff included

I’m sorry but that is dumb…

Imus isnt black?

The thing I just saw that pissed me off more than anything was the woman who co-founded BET with her ex-husband just went off on some self-righteous load of crap speech about how this was a chance to take a stand for moral decency in the media. Out of all people in the country, she’s probably in the bottom 10 in terms of right to bitch about this. What does 95% of the channel that made you hundreds of millions’ programming consist of? hip-hop and rap videos and related shit about their lives. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
And Harold Ford Jr. refused to stand up for him, after he did a ton of campaigning for him and talked about what a worthy candidate he was all election season. This is one area where i disagree strongly with the liberal wing of my party. If we’re supposed to be the party that supports the right to free speech and personal freedoms yet support this shit, we’re just as bad of hypocrites as bush being in favor of less government spending but running the deficit up astronomically.

fuck sharpton, fuck jackson. they are useless. im sick of everything a harmless black comment is made, these two whiney bitches pull out the race card. annoying.


[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:34,topic:27531"”]

fuck sharpton, fuck jackson. they are useless. im sick of everything a harmless black comment is made, these two whiney bitches pull out the race card. annoying.



always gotta be one guy who has nothing educated to say just says fuck him fuck her who cares if a black persons identity has been attacked. like i said i could care less about the comments they were lame an to me unhurtful but to make light of a bigger issuse with fuck him an fuck her is lame. If i said i was coming ova to beat your white ass with a bat because you were white you’d be pissed and retailiate, and if i claimed freedom of speech you’d say bullshit, that’s not part of freedom of speech, so lets jus keep this in perspective it wasnt sharpton an jesse jackson who pushed this issue they supported it after it came up but the media pushed it:gotme:


always gotta be one guy who has nothing educated to say just says fuck him fuck her who cares if a black persons identity has been attacked. like i said i could care less about the comments they were lame an to me unhurtful but to make light of a bigger issuse with fuck him an fuck her is lame. If i said i was coming ova to beat your white ass with a bat because you were white you’d be pissed and retailiate, and if i claimed freedom of speech you’d say bullshit, that’s not part of freedom of speech, so lets jus keep this in perspective it wasnt sharpton an jesse jackson who pushed this issue they supported it after it came up but the media pushed it:gotme:


as long as you actually didn’t, I’m sure he’d be OK with it. I’m going to go beat the shit out of mike tyson now for being black.


as long as you actually didn’t, I’m sure he’d be OK with it. I’m going to go beat the shit out of mike tyson now for being black.


But thats the point you can say these things but if said person finds out then you have an issuse that sums up america you have the right to say w.e it is that you want but if its offensive an the person that it is directed at finds out he or she is gonna react.

(p.s. there a hundred better reason to beat mike tyson with a bat rather then for being black:D)

im so sick of all these racial issues over EVERYTHING.

if a word/phrase offends you that much stop saying it and then maybe i will be on your side the next time a person thats not in that " group" says it.


But thats the point you can say these things but if said person finds out then you have an issuse that sums up america you have the right to say w.e it is that you want but if its offensive an the person that it is directed at finds out he or she is gonna react.

(p.s. there a hundred better reason to beat mike tyson with a bat rather then for being black:D)


Indeed. I’m not gonna use a bat though. Just walk up to him and punch him in the face a few times, aim for the tattoo. That way, he won’t react.

He should have just made fun of them for being manly looking and freakishly tall.

I could rant a page or 2, but will just say this makes me hate black people as a whole even more then I already did.