and you wonder about Sonny's rants

MustangChad5pt0: mmm whiskey
fshowcars: dude
fshowcars: i pounded the shit yesterday
MustangChad5pt0: haha
fshowcars: i have a problem
fshowcars: it was like 5pm and i was drinking it straight
MustangChad5pt0: i havent done that since the steeler game
fshowcars: room tempuratute
fshowcars: i love the shit… plus i’m drinking the $50+ a bottle shit
fshowcars: haha



gangsta status

fshowcars: black bush irish whiskey is my shit these days
fshowcars: wild turkey is classic … only 101 though

add some Jamison 18 yrs to that and boooya

HaNnNIBaL64: you need a flask for work
fshowcars: i have one
HaNnNIBaL64: actually filled though?
fshowcars: fuckin right

whisky = death
i cant drink that shit

whiskey & water is the shiznite!


what did we learn from this thread…

#1 sonny is an alcoholic
#2 Whiskey > *

drinking = relaxant and is fun!

i’m not an alcoholic…

In soviet Russia, the alcohol drinks you.

hey yakov smirnov! :naughty:

That shit will put hair on your chest

i can attest to that.

yeah but a good whiskey and water isn’t hard to drink it tastes f’n good mang! :bigthumb:

good whiskey is the shit… i couldn’t even taste / smell it in my drinks and the dudes i was with were gagging… HAHA…

whiskey > most men

yeah it does…

and sonny stop drinking my whiskey!

x 2

Your not an alcoholic until you go to rehab :boink