Vodka and cranberry juice

Anyone else?
I recently started to like vodka mixed with ocean spray light cranberry juice.
Ill take an old red sauce jar and throw like 5 or 6 shots of vodka in it, then fill the rest with the cranberry juice and stir.
Sounds like it would be very strong but its not.
You basically drink it as fast as you would a big glass of cranberry juice.
Wasted quickly :smiley:

Ive got one now, hopefully Im smart enough to not post later.

Can I get apoll
Like Yes its awesome
No its suck
Fuck you noob

those options would be best, thanks in advance


i’m gonna get on the stepper here

start pounding miller lite

And we’ll do a drunken post race, first one to ________ wins.

My ex g/f used to drink cranberry and vodka.

Swedish fish shots are amazing i cant get enough of them

Cran and vodka with a lime ftmfw

That’s the top choice of my boyfriend’s drinks. They’re pretty delicious. Speaking of which, maybe I should tip some back.

we need a poll!

someone pm a mod haha.

Also I love lime, I have to try that next time.

Way too many guys drinking cranberry and vodka here. It’s a chick’s mix.


fix your ban button.

The only mixed drinks guys should be drinking are 7-n-7’s, Rum-n-Coke’s or LI iced teas. Anything that has a fruit in it or in its name is automatic fail. If you go have yourself a Dewars on the rocks, you just may be able to redeem yourself. You better hurry though. The fruitiness is overcoming you.

I watch topgear on or whatever, and ive seen like all the episodes up there.

I have never used torrents so i have no clue how to use that, nor do i know where to find other topgear.

Someone teach me hwo to use torrents, and drop the top gear challeneges hook up.



nah theres more manly drinks for sure.
Bacardi n coke is very popular with women tho, as are Ice picks (which are also good (vokda and ice tea)

Li ice tea is pretty nice tho, i wouldnt mind one of those right now :tup:


top gear challanges for the win when your drunk

holy fuck… cranberry and vodka is clearly a bitch drink. and cavi mike, way to follow it up with an even bigger bitch drink list.

you guys are shitty drinkers. a jack and coke or MAYBE a gin and tonic. However, a real mans mixed drink would be jameson and ice.

STFU, DAD! :rubicant:

long island is not a bitch drink. it is quite useful if you want to get f-ed quickly.

squint Explain said shot. Swedish fish are my favorite.

grandparents bringing down the absinthe i ordered to their house last week, on saturday :tup:

mixed drinks for the win…

-they taste great.
-there are endless options.
-they can be made “manly” by just adding more alcohol. (if that makes a drink manly, i don’t know)
-it’s better to get drunk and not have to be packed full of foamy beer.

for me, jack and coke with some lemon, or soco and lime. captain and coke follows in a close third.

the term “bitch drinks” should only be geared towards flavored bottled drinks (smirnoff ice, twisted teas, etc), not towards something created by decent liquor and a mixer.

Ugh. The only things I like in my glass are the following:

  • Jack Daniels
  • Ice

Cranberry and vodka is for the money hungry sluts downtown.