Vodka and cranberry juice

I’ll take my cranberry and vodka, san cranberry

howie come over and play me in NES super tecmo bowl

Maybe the rum-n-coke but not 7-n-7 imo and how the fuck could a glass of 5 liquors and a splash of coke be even remotely considered a bitch drink? And I already posted my drink of choice.

Im half popped.
Only half b ecause im trying not to get totally bombed, im not sure why,.

no top gear hook up?
Someone buy my ps3 before i spend 60$ on a new game that ill beat and only want to sell the system again.

jkust made na ice pick. double shot with a doubnel shot of ice tea.

You’re a pansy, I will outdrink all of you

my child will come out of the womb with the ability to pound LIT’s.

jame-o on the rocks may take a few years.

don’t get me wrong I like a tasty concoction every once and a while, but I am drinking it knowing that it is a bitch drink. One of my favorites that will destroy you without you knowing it is a pitcher of half rum, 1/4 coconut rum, little less than a 1/4 of orange juice, a splash of pineapple juice, and a splash of cranberry juice. tastes like nothing at all and puts you down and out quick as it is 3/4 rum :tup:

cranberry vodka is good. pint glass with 4 shots. thats probably my 2nd fav mixer behind captain and coke.

Cranberry Juice? What is it,your period?

hahaha nope, but light cranberry with its 10 carbs wont get you fat like soda or beer.

1.0 oz Lemon Lime Soda (7up or equivalent)
2.0 oz Blackberry Liqueur
2.0 oz Cranberry Juice

who cares what a man’s drink is do you go to a bar and say i got drunk with man drinks?? i cant imagine the looks you would get.

they all do the same thing

redbull/cran/vodkas FTW serious heartburn though. until you drink through the heart burn lol

you just mix in a brioschi with one of them…problem solved

fuck i wish i still drank to take up this challenge :frowning:

sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit knee grow

time to rock some spy hunter :tup:

Balls = beer or whiskey

Vagina= cranberry and vodka

Do you drink for the pleasure or for the bragging rights? I don’t see the point in ‘outdrinking’ people, I drink for me.

i also use to drink for me. until I found it to be cheaper to just out drink people …

edit: besides howie is asian they are naturally competitive

lol you drink for you and you are bitchin about guys not drinking manly drinks :lol: