Vodka and cranberry juice

I drink because i drank half a bnottle of vodka and im still not shot, wtfs man,.

stillw asted

I drink for all the uglier/over weight girls out there in the world.


:lol: That’s the first thing I thought of.

lol 3am? I’m glad I didn’t come back out. It was hard enough getting to work by 8…

what’re you on your period?

edit: dammit, beaten

Who the fuck quits drinking? :tdown:

gin and tonic, heavy on the gin and ice please.

vodka cran is fine if you have a vagina.

:word: except i get here at 9
not feeling like shit on a friday is a new unknown experience to me. i called it a night after JB days.

three olives grape Vodka and cran is the bomb!

You drink for you? Are you an alcoholic?


In all seriousness, I find it a curse being able to drink a shitload. It sucks.

And I have yet to meet anyone who can drink more than me, who isn’t a full blown alcoholic.

I have to agree with this. I would totally trade my skills for being a 2 beer queer, and associated bar tabs. How much does it take to get you not hammered, but decently drunk? We usually split a liter between me and my roommate and kill it before we go out just to have any chance of feeling it at the bar…kind of gay.

i think you guys just need to discover Gin. I used to be able to drink rum and coke’s alllll night no problem.

2-3 good G&T’s and im DONE.


:lol: That’s not good dude.

ugh. Gin makes me sick. it tastes like I am drinking pine sol.


good summary of this thread :tup:

The pine tree scent is the best part. After a SOLID night of drinking this…

the GF says, after kissing me, that instead of alcohol breath I have a nice pine scent :lol:


pussy x 2

hey man, i thought it was hilarious. of course, I was hammered.

and you should not be the one talking…