Angry Birds

Those of you with android devices, download Angry Birds Beta Lite. If you like castle crush you’ll love this game… Plus it looks absoloutely gorgeous on my Droid X, and I know a few of you have Evo’s.

For the Iphone fags and WebOS, you guys have had it, but if you havent heard of it, download it.

Productivity just went down after installing this

Read about this this morning, now I really need to try it out.

is this the game where you slingshot the birds? i have this on my ipod touch, i enjoy it

there going to make a movie about these birds i guess.

now I really can’t wait for my X to get here

awesome game, just downloaded this weekend!

downloading now

Been playing it on the iPhone forever.

The third section is pretty damn hard.

Some levels take forever and you only win them with a one in a million chance :ahh

yeah the 3rd level is a bitch, ive been playing since i posted before lol