Another epic car jacker pwning?

or just an april fools joke? idk… you be the judge…


dude on r3v gets his swapped e30 jacked
police do nothing
a forum member sees a suspicious ad on craigslist for a car of a similar description -HERE-
owner and friend go to “look at the car”
owner recognizes it as his car, beats the living hell out of the kid and takes his car back

good story, but judging by the date… idk…

How was the guy gonna sell it with no title though?

seems legit, got it back though, eh actually i dont fucking know nor do i care, half the people on that forum dont really beleive him

[quote]Originally Posted by smonkbmw
i should let e30groupie give the details, but in basics we found the fucker. i had my SIG and its light/laser on him the whole time just in case it got out of hand. but the fucker had a beating coming to him right?

Had you pulled a gun on him for no other reason than to look intimidating then you would be a criminal, and there are not many gun owners that are that stupid.

Originally Posted by smonkbmw

Photo Storage
i suffered some massive damage to my shin in the process of running out of the parking lot we were in. shit is bleeding and pulsing like a mofo right now.

Originally Posted by E30 Groupie
When we got there, the fucker was sitting in the drivers seat! Jeff didnt even stop before I fucking got out of the car running. Little bitch tried to bail. Jeff fucking tackled him over a curb and messed up his leg. Thats when I fucking lost it on him.

Get your stories straight next time, you have one year to prepare for your next attempt.[/quote]


lets hope he didnt hurt the guy too badly, cause the guy clearly knows where he stole the car and will be suing the owner without any type of evidence, and will probably win…

EDIT: owned with the fake story


i dont belive it, he had no real pics of the car and it seems like he is just being like that other kid that had his car stolen that had pics and video.