Another revenge on cheating GF vid

I say BS…and these guys can’t shoot…tires don’t even blow out…

Haha, that is great it still ran. Holy shitty aim. :slight_smile:

shitty aim is right. I was hoping for them to hit the gas tank. :confused:

that one dude was zero’d i n on the dirt. i bet his friends call him deadeye or something cool like that

at least i know that if i everpiss those guys off, i can run in a straight line while they shoot at me

if i zig zagged, i might actualy get hit …

They went through all that work, why not just sell it to a chop shop.

lol i woullda burried it in a deep hole and claimed it stolen and collected the insurance. THEN dig it up and sell it to a chop shop, then call the chop shop into the cops and collect the reward

or sell all the parts individually on ebay. I guarantee there’s people looking for random car parts. Just set up a store. hehe


Well… if he’s paying for her car…

who’s loss is it?

^ thats kind of what I was wondering lol

because shooting it is so much more revengy. Yeah i made up that word.

A friend of a co-worker did a similar thing last year. Him and his wife separated, who knows why, their lives were like a soap opera. He figured she would get the car when they got divorced, it was in his name, so he took it to a friends house in Boston where they flipped it over and burned it! It was a '97 Taurus if I remember right. The guy who owned the house and helped with the task is a volunteer firefighter. And it gets better- that same guy is now dating his friend’s ex-wife. And I guess she even knows he helped destroy her car!:lolsign: