Another good review for AMF Coatings.

Just got my wheels back from AMF Coatings and like many others here I am very satisfied. Very good price and a nice finished product. Here’s a couple pics of the end result:

damn look good s usual

nice! i’ll have to check them out for their ceramic coatings that i will need done on my headers

AMF and Jason FTW

Looks great, James.

damn that looks great!

Are those M series for your Goat?

They turned out well, do you happen to have any before pics?

Does AMF do repairs also? I want to get some wheels refinished that have some light curb rash. Is that something they would be able to repair?

looks good

Yes they are, I have some with them on the car, but I don’t think anything up close. The original paint on them was pretty fragile and was getting way to many rock chips and such since its my summer DD. Hopefully the powdercoat will hold up much better.

I dont think they do? Maybe give Jason a call? Most people on here suggest Naylors Tire.

omg thats the same color I want jason to coat mine in.

Any idea on the color or is it just straight silver?

I wanted them the same color as they originally were. But its basically just Metallic Silver.

looks great

I never pictured CSL rep’s on a Domestic - Looks pretty damn good on the car.

yep they fit that sedan type styling of the goat nicely

Thanks Zack.

Did you do the SAP stuff since I last saw the car or did I just not notice?

They look good, are they clear coated?


I dont think so they most they do is media blast or sand blast prior to the powder coating. The wheel repair most likely would be up to you.