Another great Glenn Beck article

:tup: Didn’t Rage Against the Machine use the “Che” image in some of their album art or something? If so, LAWLZZZ!

god damned you’re reallying sharpening those profiling skills aren’t yah?

Jay is gonna end up a paranoid old man, sizing people up like the Terminator.


were you around for that thing called UBRF???

Yeah yeah…

WTF did I miss?

Yeah, the guy from rage is such a nut job that even his band mates don’t like his craziness.

Michael Stipe used to wear the red star shirt.:roll2:

It is really sad how Americans praise these retards.

I have always wanted this shirt…:smiley:

here is a black guy with the che poster.
I guess who ever made that commercial didn’t know he was racist:bloated:

Great article.

meh article.

i dont know anything about Che and i really dont care. I am sure he was horrible and awesome at the same time.

a better perspective on Che is in ‘The Rebel Sell’. Basically reinforcing Beck’s last point that Che’s image has been so co-opted into capitalist structure that it is entirely meaningless. that is how capitalism works, but co-opting the opposition and turning it into capitalism.

and for the record, always and forever, Zach De La Rocha is never wrong. He is always right on point.

my favorite part of the article is when Che shot himself in the face… Priceless…

fone check ni**a!!!