another great video

3.0 / 10 :slight_smile:

can’t watch the whole thing, i’m sick of this emo shit

:bowrofl: :beer:

username change to Femofags

wow. the kid in the beginning with the black wings on looks alot like blkp42e.


i was practicing for myspace.

be_rad said he wouldnt add me unless i looked really emo


thanks for moving it to the proper place :slight_smile:

i cant stand this emo shit either

wow it is retarded that 99% of this sit has no idea what emo is.

by the way that song isn’t about a girl it is about life. enjoying it yet staying grounded

one or the other it still sounds uber gay to me

yes but it is obvious that no one gives two shits about your opinion on this site, or did I just let the cat out of the bag for you?

why dont you go back your “boostedITR” over your neighbors cat and cry in the corner about it, you emo bastard