Another Lake George meet Sat, July 16th?

Fuck, ill be in Syracuse as well. I really wanna make it to one of these!!

ok ok I’ll go then :rofl

not cool

Loosen up chicka, I’m jk. I wouldnt have sex with you anyways :lol

True you arent his bear

Might make an appearance. Might wear a costume.

Looks like I’m going then. Add me to the list!

my car sucks

bring dd bra

Probably gonna call it off due to people doing various other things…can try again for the following weekend or something

Oh I’m going and getting drunk with sweatyandready regardless

dont let your dick not get hard / off again man

Always has gotten hard, has not always gone off :rofl

No reason to do that as they can make the next one; there was no shortage of people last time.

I’m down if it’s a Friday. That is all.

i am very upset


will dooo


Cannot wait to drink moar gallons of Davidson Bros. IPA. FUCK YEA

alpine, how old are you and where did you go to HS. just curious

Colonie Central HS class of 2007

damn ur a youngster