Any takers? Its slow as hell but oh well I can handle being beat
did you buy it the way it is pretty much? what did the previous owner run, if thats the case?
Just look it up on ls1tech.
did you get a chance to ask that bmw how slow your car is? lmao
i dont rly care tbh, i was just asking out of curiosity
I remember when I bought my car I thought it was fast because Mustangs were supposed to be fast and I took it to LVD and ran a 15.7 at 95 or so.
Yea. Thing dips RIGHT out, sounds unreal and blows some flames on decel LOL
siiiiick blue flames lol
Mustangs are fast. You’re slow.
fox bodies are gutless turds stock and even with just an intake and shorty headers.
I’m up for a 40 roll.
30 roll tomorrow night. If its dry lets do it.
run what ya brung.
Great race. No reason for me to run him if SSSSS wins, plus I won’t travel past an LG meet to race.
You can get a stock one into the 13’s if you can drive. You obviously cant :retardclap :lol
forged 402 on a 150 shot vs me will be a good run for sure…
yep, you on your big shot, vs his motor would be close im sure. you should run my bike from a roll on the bottle. if you can pull on me you will beat him on motor.
saw you backing up taking forever while I was trying to pull up and put air in my tires at LVD lol … Did you race it? if so, what’d it run?
A car that went 10.98 at 122 on motors notna fair race for drew on 150. Hell kill the gto. 10.51 on a 100 shot too. Better grab the big jets if ya wanna race smokiinnsssszzz.
I am deffinetly interested in doing a motor run to see where its at given my little old cam only ls1 and the weight/gearing differences.
after that, full tilt.