another Lindsey Lohan story....pretty funny

basically Lindsey Lohan is smart :bloated: …it’s a bit long…but deff worth the read;_ylt=Ar65BxQJMGEMjmmFFE6BPZtxFb8C;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

see my custom title…

and that was a sweet story…

mitnick got out awhile ago.

good story. killed a few minutes of work and that’s always appreciated.

^^lol…did the same for me…killing time at work is a very good thing :slight_smile:

hahaha and the same for me!

good read

“You musn’t kill time boys. You must cherrish it. Can I have some money to get loaded?”
-Hobo on The Simpsons

Lol…well if it is true…ida slapped that bitch.

didnt read it, summaries are welcome

Here you go lazy ass:)

Lohan was in a hotel, a guy named Jason Lewis found out and left a message for her to meet up with him not thinking it would ever happen.

Jason Lewis happens to be the name of a guy from Sex and the City who is tall and blonde.

This Jason Lewis is shorter and brown haired. They texted and called eachother for 10 days. Jason Lewis got into an exclusive club party where LL was and when she found out it wasn’t THE Jason Lewis, he and his friend were thrown out.

Very good story :tup:

Which basically means overly concerned with image and self-centered. Typical of most 19 year old girls.

ahahaha, thats great, hes prolly the closest anyone would come, :tup: for a good attempt

very good read…

haha, cool story

she was only worth that effort in 2004, however - i, as well as huk, have seen hotter girls at wegman’s


huk does not leave his house.

at least he tried, i give him an A for effort