so is Lindsay Lohan a lesbian or what?

Ok, so what’s the deal here? My wife watches E! television like I watch SPEED and this keeps coming up…


:shrug: I have nothing

she watches E! with her dick in her hand? :cky:

i would smash

i saw something on this on cnn the other day…


He’s not kidding, I saw it too. On the same day the financial markets were falling apart CNN felt LL coming out of the closet was news worthy.

I think they also had on the main page that Clay Aiken was gay. Right below the breaking news story that scientists had proved the earth was round and that captain obvious was indeed a real superhero.

LOL!!! everybody has to be a comedian, I should have seen that coming…

your wife will!


Where the hell is FRY when you need him!!! Dammit!!

seriously, this is funny as hell though

she probly tried to fuck herself in that parent trap remake

lol thats actually kinda funny

12 posts in and it’s still safe for work… I’m a bit surprised

parent trap was from '98…she was 12.

want me to post up nudes from THEN?

lol, I don’t think big brother would appreciate that

yeah Lilo swings both ways, its no surprise.

Dont worry fellas, ill bring her back from the dark side:D

since when are lesbians the dark side?

When they date ugly ass women instead of hot, big breasted women.

Looks like a dude. != cool.

I’m pretty sure she’s an attention whore… but if that’s not true then she’s bisexual at best.