yeah it broke getting sent out to be rebuilt as soon as i am done eating lunch and finish removing it
I’m eatin’ some DQ myself right now. What you get to eat?
foot long french fries and turner’s iced tea
Haha i was going to say, you probably live 5 min from the mills.
If the weather is nice i’ll probably come out.
Where the fug you get Turners from Jeff… all I can ever find out this area is garbage Schneider’s
enlow station down at end of street. go the last one on shelf today.
ill have to stock up!
id bring my new fbucket up if i didnt have to work sat night
as Jeff said… Boom!
3 week old (to me) built trans… 9 months old overall.
Still waiting to hear back from the builder to see if they are going to warranty it…
weather looks like its going to be nice
might make it down, might not… :dunno:
New fbucket, eh? Details?
if i get stuck behind a horse n buggy it takes 5 mins haha
Technical reason for the transmission letting go the day after the last Mills meet… it got Asian Bird Flu and Mexican Swine Flu
I just realized my hockey game is saturday not friday. I may swing by around 7:30 for like 5-10 minutes, i’m supposed to go out to dinner with my parents after my game though, since i turned 24 today haha.
You think anyone will still be there at 7:30?
95 ta 59k miles 6spd paid 4500 for it
brand new tires water pump opt spark fuel pump and starter
will post more pictures tomorrow with my good camera
nice find. looks pretty good shape
yeah only thing thats bad is part of the rear bumper is scuffed and needs repainted and the driver side seat is ripped alil but other then that its all good