Friday (Aug 10th)

I went to the Mills last week and met some good peoples, but :wtf: more people could have showed up. So, What’s a better location to go to than the mills? Anyone? It’d be great to have somewhere to chill with a ton of people this coming friday. :x:

you could always chill with the miracle mile guys

this Friday is the Stadiums spread the word.

I should be down

can we change the word to legs?

I might head down, what time?

only if you cum :gaysex: :finger2:

i was there on saturday was about 10 cars up there

if it’s at the stadiums or the waterfront, I’ll be down, somthing thats not likle 30 miles from me,

I’ll be heading to Ocean City. Have fun though



DMB = :greddy:

have fun guys…wish i could make it down but just too far for me since i have to be home by 11 (gay ass junior license)

You mean to tell me its more ghey than a bunch of boys hanging around a parking lot kissing someone’s ass for a ride in their car?


Yes, that is what I’m saying.

You’re gay.

pewter :3some:


That’s where I chill in the first place. I’m less than 5 min from there.:slap: