So as of now. 66 high 38 low for Friday. More then likly its going to be a tit bit nipply.
This is the same deal with the meet that took place about 3 weeks ago? Stadiums Late night 10ish? Me and my buddies should be rolling down around 10 so… IF IT STAYS HALF DESCENT MEET FRIDAY
I might stop down on the bike for a little bit depending on where I’m at. I’ll be on back roads most of the afternoon scrubbing in a new set of tires now that this weather is finally going to break.
ill be there hopefully with the new turbo on because i cant find a 90 degree elbow… If i do i will be there boosting the sleeper 20g if not ill still be on the t2slow.
We could all benefit from the lack of racing and donuts Etc… if you all are planning to do this go some where else. thats all… if people can act mature and just chill come on down…