another one

man…ppl suck these days…everybody must be lip singing…

but shes still hott as hell

The lyrics are a little funny in this context.

um…im lost…did i say something wrong???

damn i need to make records :bash:

hahahahahahaha…i would pay money to see you on stage lip singing

that sounded really really ghey, but ok $50 :naughty:

now thats even gayer b/c u want me to be there

wanting and needing are different

i NEED $50 :kekegay:

I’d still hammer it.


No. I meant her lyrics about people being in her business - now they’ll be in it even more!

ahh i c…i get ya now

The term is lip syncing. (pronounced like “sinking”)

And I hate artists that do that… hot or not.

lucky for her she isn’t really singing… that music / song / lyrics suck dick x20