Another paid vacation for GM employees

Another 4 week halt on volt production from GM. I wonder who is paying these people? Taxpayers or GM…who am I kidding, there isn’t a difference.

90% pay for 4 week, and you wonder why this company, and this country can’t afford a pot to piss in. I’m not saying cut their benefits to 0, it’s not the employees fault that the company refuses to produce profitable cars instead of volts 1/2 the year and leave them out of employment the other half.

90% pay to sit at home for four weeks. i work for the wrong company lol.

Did you read the whole article? The plant is also used for the new body malibu and part of the idle is to retool it for the new generation of impala. Also it’s common knowledge that GM isn’t making money on the volt, it’s the first vehicle of it’s kind offered to the public and until the battery cost and efficiency improves it will never be a large market vehicle. You have to start somewhere though.

It’s normal for large factories to shut down for retooling or maintenance, the Waterford GE used to do it every year.

Don’t forget Federal and State unemployment taxes on that 90% figure, Linkin Park.

nobody wants a stupid electric car

Another thoughtful post by PJB.

That Volt is the worst car GM has spit out yet. I’d rather buy a Chevy Cruze and spend the remaining $20,000 on gas.

last time I checked, the 5th gen camaro was pretty much taking GM out of debt.

Dont most of us get paid vacations sometimes?

why is this any different?

It’s a furlough, forcing workers to collect federal and state UI due to the lack of work. Vacation is a very relative term.

Having weeks/months of paid time off is nice for the employees, but this should keep people on edge about their jobs. When work gets farmed out to mexico and china there should not be outrage as to why this happens.

^ yup.

I agree with you that it’s not a financially sound purchase if your doing it just to save money. However like it or not electrics/hybrids are the way things will be in the future. Like most other major technological advances the volt is the first step in a long process. Not saying it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread but it’s an important step along the way.


why do we pay for an aggressive military that takes up $711 BN of taxpayers money? We don’t gain anything from it either.

Well I wouldn’t say we don’t gain anything from the military. Obviously we gain the defense of our country which you can’t necessarily put a value on. The military will never and isn’t supposed to come up in the green of our budget. That said I think the military budget could be cut be quite a lot. I’m in the military and I see the constant waste of money from even the lowest level of supervision.

You should be more concerned with paying 454 billion on the debt of our interest. Now that is gaining us nothing.

nothing we can do about the interest, and it will never go away unless there is a revolution and a rebuilding of our country. the federal reserve has destroyed this country.