GM on strike as of 11am

Just thought I’d let you guys know if you hadn’t heard already.
I think Andrea had something to do with this since the build date will be delayed now.Was slated for this week(24th)

Oh well another dumb idea

news article or anything? ?

Just another step towards GM’s inevitable death and rebirth… as a division of Toyota.


what the fuck are they trying to accomplish by going on strike yet again. How fucking retarded is it to bring a hurting company farther down when that is your livelihood. Gotta love the UAW. They’ll never stop bitching.

EDIT- this is yet another reason why Toyota is not going to crash and burn the way GM is. They have managed to keep unions out of there this long and it doesn’t look like they’ll ever get in. Some people just don’t know how fucking great they have it. I was amazed to work next to people who never even graduated high school, yet are making about 100K a year and still fucking bitch. The work ethic in this continent is absolutely pathetic.

Can you say, “Lead painted GM cars”?
Hello china!

fuck gm.

fuck honda

This is like a last ditch effort for the UAW.
They know their days are numbered so they are going out in a blaze of glory.

fuck bitches

where did that come from

fuck bacon

yeah i said it

That’s it. You can’t dress as Picard for halloween. It has to be Picard. Eating bacon. Yep. I know you’re thinking it too. In the shower.

Granted at that point your costume will seem absolutely fucktarded to anyone not on NYSpeed, but people not on here are irrelavent.

Picard in the shower drinking your bacon beer.

Done. Done. And done.

Wait, what was this thread about?

Oh yeah, GM sucks etcetc :picard:

It is my fault for sure…I want you to buy your wife the standard Sky instead of the auto-tragic :wink: I’m pretty sure that one is on the lot waiting… :lol:


the fuck GM comment


The auto is faster tho.Already trying to come up with tricks, are we?
Also please remember that not all GM employees are lazy,drooling idiots as everyone believes.

i cant say i feel bad for GM exec’s

get the workers to help save money, then get millions in bonus money.

although, if the tonawanda plant closes, my taxes would go up…
they pay a shitload of property taxes :slight_smile: