Another possible solution to online ass-hatting

i think a lot of people think they can to a better job being a moderator … when in reality they’d probly be elevently billion times worse. i don’t think beck should have gotten banned either but the following and previous ones seemed to be called for.

peopel are getting cabin fever

next time we have a meet, anyone going off topic will have to leave… :roll2:

the drama posts get more views and posts than anything else on the site. how can you say noone cares about it…

my question is, how does BS that happens in OT affect the tech of the site?
the answer? it doesn’t

it doesnt? it doesnt because people who should post tech dont, becasue they are too caught up in nonsense that has nothing to do with anything

if there was no bullshitting… i probably wouldn’t post. If there is an interesting tech thread, i will post in it just as much as an interesting drama thread.

then do the forum a favor and start an interesting tech thread.

that’s my point… there are far less intersting tech topics than real life topics. I don’t think this should be a hardcore car site, and i don’t think it should be entirely off topic. Before it was like hanging out with my friends, but online… we would sit around, make fun of stuff, talk about cars, movies, make fun of stuff, laugh, etc. it was great.

it has to be a mix. moderation is the key.

My post isn’t about mod behavior and I definitely don’t want the mods to act like those on NABR. I’m just talking about using real names. That alone does a lot…