Online Bullying = FINE (Dumbass)

In a bill to prevent online bullying, a representative wants to pass a bill that requires you to register before posting online comments. Your full name will show up when you post. Web masters will be required to pay fines if they fail to comply.

This could be the end of NYSpeed as we know it…

EDIT - not that it will ever happen… but if it did, then having your full name out there on the intraweb, would cause more bad than good because of all the people on there that want to antagonize someone beyong the internet. meh we’ll see.

lol yeah because that will happen, haha
If it does, i can save 47$ a month by cancelling my internet.

Online bullying? WTF Pussy Hurt Faggot?

What, did he get e-thugged one day and went to cry in a corner? LOL, wow…

to put this into perspective, while we may be able to deal with it well here, think about how many cases of violence and murder that have happened because of conversations which started on the internet.

I can certainly understand why someone would want this to happen, but I don’t think it will go through anytime soon.

I remember the story a few weeks ago about two guys that got into an argument online in WoW and one guy told him to meet up in person to fight and they did and the guy shot him…yea it was a good one.

Ugh, I’d be fucked

To put it into perspective, how many millions of examples of e-thuggin are there? So, if 1000 (which I think is grossly over) cases result in a personal confrontation of violence, thats .001 - 1/10 of 1%.


i fucking lol’d.

So that 1% of people who get killed don’t matter because someone wants to flaunt their e-cock?

How many billions of legitimate purchases happen each day compared to how many products get stolen. Why are their laws against theft? If it doesn’t have some sort of control, then it will just continue to get worse.

muscle50 is a fggt and i’m gonna pwn him.

No, 1/10 of 1%.


I don’t think that public money & resources should be wasted enforcing this proposition when the “violations” are faaaaaaar less lethal then any other social interaction.

Of course, I made up those numbers off the top of my head from how often I can remember reading about actual instances of violence (not deaths) initiated online. I’m willing the bet a paycheck that the percentage is even lower…

Hell, there have been at least 10 cases of e-bullying on this forum so far today. And theres been what, 100 active users here so far today?

wonder where the $ to enforce this will come from

prolly a tax on net neutrality :roll2:

^^ I understand your point, and even I think that this law is unreasonable. I’m just saying I can see why someone would try. And again, we handle things very well here. Such might not be the case on other forums.

If it was a family member of yours that was killed because of something so stupid, you might be all for it.


Nah, I wouldn’t. If my sister was stupid enough to get drawn into a fight based on shit that happened online, then she deserves to get an ass beating. Of course, I don’t have any contact w/her anyways. :shrug:
If they are dumb enough to pick a fight that they couldn’t win, same goes.

Nothing that happens online is really worth going to fisticuffs… $0.02


:present::hitit::carnut:burnin::party2::ohyeah: :grouphug:

Or is that supposed to be a bad thing?

I can’t imagine how much more would get done at Praxair if this site went down.

You’re wrong there sir.

1% = # x .01
1/10th of 1% would equal .01% which would = # x .001

%/100 = Part/Whole

I’d have to stay this; If you get in an e-fight don’t bring e-guns bring real ones :slight_smile:

Then it would go down to who is faster on the draw. Bam got yah.