Online Bullying = FINE (Dumbass)


The war in Iraq should have been fought through online forums.

ugh this would suck for me

Let’s just imagine for a moment, Iraq is the plane, the US is the treadmill.

LOL thats exactally what i was thinking im like oh shit what justin and newman gonna do now

Or all the sites will go to out to international servers and they cant do anything.

just like when the RIAA tried to take down but it was based in russia and they said. fuck off

After watching We own the night last night,

I hate Russians.


i used to like Russians back when Ivan Drago was pimpin hoes.

Private forums with legal agreement when you sign up for membership not to cry like a bitch if you get your feelings hurt.

Maybe Spitzer will push this one. Oops, he’s got other shit to worry about.

Typo, sorry. Earlier I posted .001 and .1%, my apologies.

S’all good, it was just bugging me for some reason.

To be on topic, it won’t solve anything. This it just the USA becoming AOL for the interweb. YAH I love being censored 24hours a day.

Think about it. If the internet didn’t exist people might actually spend more time away from the computer, outside picking fights in person with other people, racing cars, playing with guns, and all kinds of other activities that carry a slightly greater risk that arguing with people on the internet. People got bullied before the internet existed. People would still die, possibly more. The media just makes a huge deal out of a few cases, using the internet itself to get the story out, making a small issue look huge. People kill each other for stupid reasons, it’s tragic, but thats life. If you took away everything risky in life it wouldn’t be worth living, better to focus on REAL issues to make a difference.

lol 4chan would be fucked

Print Motherfuck flyers at Kincos and litter the neighborhoods

Thats basically all anyone has to do for a stupid law like that. If they move their server and themselves to another country they are fine. Remember tho, its not as easy. If you are in the US but have remote servers, you still can be arrested…

True but with forums with privacy agreements such as this one and others, Im not sure how it all comes into play.

And how do you prove tone and context on the internet.

I could say Im gonna kill the next motherfucker that posts in this thread, and Am I joking? was i being sarcastic what if theres a lol or a :slight_smile: next to it. Or an angry face. its all about context and whos reading it and taking it for real


in real life if you say “im gonna kill that motherfucker” even laughing, you can get arrested. try it some day. stand in front of a cop and say “hes lucky you are here cuz i was gonna kill him” and laugh and see waht happens :slight_smile:

yea… and i will register as someone else’s name, e-thug someone and then watch the other people get caught for it