Another Sisterhumper92HATCH EPIC FAIL

I just called the DEA. You’re fucked.

You talk a big game like your someone special. You’re some no name kid out in Fulton County talking hard, sniffing glue, and selling junk Honda’s and shitty Honda parts. You sir are a fine breed.

You maintain a 3.0 GPA. Absolutely fantastic. You go for Automotive. I did the same program 5 years ago and maintained the Dean’s List through out my enrollment. It is by no means a hard achievement. Jump off your milk crate cock mongler.

This right here is not a FAIL its a WIN :number1 I would just want to see the selection before I went in for service

Are you serious right now? :facepalm


Lets see, its a nice 87 degrees, a light Southeastern breeze, and heres thew veiw from my den…

Beach weather I suspect. :haha It’s only 4 miles down the road, just waiting for a few friends to get off work. Don’t worry, we’ll have a toast to Shift518 for absolutely bringing the lols this whole week. :thumbup

Hey I PMd you about the tach. When I’m out there, you mind if I get sloppy seconds with your sister after your done with her?

Oh man Sgt. Trooper > DEA!!! Duhhh!

ooo good one!

Is no one going to jump in and stand up for this kid?

Where’s Kramer?!


kramer is in ocean city right now. ill inform him of this epic thread when i get there!

oh man, that florida sky. :bowdown

dude I saw my breath this morning when I went outside and you are posting pics of SNOW:shifty

Don’t worry about it, I must have gone over your head…

I didn’t mean to… sorry.

rac92eghatch’s sister since your brother said he boned ya I want to see a pic please.

dude ths thread is hilarious

:rofl @ bennys posts

and u guys think he doesnt have a lying problem

Nobody will ever buy your shitty parts or take you at all serious on here. Get off my website.

You’re the anthill, and there’s loads of ants (read: fail) coming out of you.
3.0GPA my left nut… You can hardly spell anything, you can not use proper grammar, and you’re just plain retarded.

Sounds good. I’ll be coming in my new car.

:rofl You’re so funny! Did your sister tell you to say that in between thrusts?

:rofl:rofl:rofl that cat has his mustache :rofl:rofl:rofl

truth win. + rep

troof. being the resident honda quality control guy, id say your seal of disapproval is very meaningful!