So u think u can stance?
if he had a wavetrack this video would have been different but obviously they don’t give any fucks about performance
this. still stupid because of how he entered and how low the car is in the first place. then the fact that he had 600lb of brilliance in the car that didnt get out when he got stuck blows my mind. i mean yeah its a honda so its shit but still lets finally get out from being stuck and full speed slam it into the entrance? great idea, now how are you going to get out? LOL dumbass, just park it on the street, everyone car see your honda from there.
but seriously the fact that stance is being compared to stickers, neons and ricing out blows my mind. if its done right its great, like anything else. damn mexicans
It’s being compared to neons and stickers because its a fad that is being played out and so many people are wrecking their cars. lol
Can it be done correctly? I guess that depends on your definition of “stance”. If a car has a nice suspension setup and is lowered and looks nice while remaining functional, then yes it can. If the wheels are sticking out and the car is so low that it loses function all in hopes to look cool, well…no. When I think of "stance, I think of the latter. Otherwise, I’d just say that the car has a nice suspension setup. For those of us who have been around a while, the “Stance” definition and extremes that have come with it are new trend. Generally those who label their cars as having “stance” are the ones that too extreme.
But…to each their own I suppose.
Stranced adjective - Stanced cars that get stranded on speed bumps and parking lot entrances
I miss my EF 4door now
What a joke! This stance bs has been old the second it was created. Nothing is sweet about it and nothing positive can come of it. If you look into performance, like any car… you reach a point where you go too low. Not to mention the horrid job people do in not getting the camber corrected thinking its sweet!
Can’t turn but looks cool and trendy!
How I wish this persons axel breaks. lol
That would be a cool little hatch if the stance wasn’t set on full retard.
Looks like they won trophies for being morons! I mean…I can’t read the writing, so it’s just a guess
Honda City, cool little 80’s hatch.