antique cars

So I am making a website for the antique cars in my family. I have 1 car missing, but you can get the idea. What other info should I include on this site?

how long they have been owned in the family, any restoration? mileage, interesting story on how they were found or bought?

neat collection though

maybe include who the owners are, how long they had the car, price paid when they bought it and stuff like that?

thats a cool idea, i would try and do it for my family but would take me forever.

The JPGs on the first page are quite massive in file size for anyone on a slower connection than dial-up. That first page is nearly two megabytes. If you want me to put together a little table with some resized images, let me know… it’ll only take a minute.

I would do the same for my family, but the oldest car we have is an '03… I don’t think a Suzuki, a Chevy Malibu, two Hyundais, two Kias, an Envoy, and an F-150 (all stock) would make for very interesting reading.

Who would be on a slower connection then dial up? lol

Well I am waiting on 1 more pic of a car to go in there. They are rather large so I may rescale them down a little…

Thanks for the above ideas, I will have to incorporate those! :slight_smile:

something i tossed together in five minutes or so:

^ very nice sir! YOU ROCK! :slight_smile:

want it as a zip file? or did you just save the site?

copied the code :slight_smile:
