Any anodizing shops around

Anyone know of a Anodizing shop in the area. the part that needs it done cant be powdercoated else i would do it…

What is the size of the parts and the specifics to the coating they need/ you want?

there titanium lugnuts… not sure on the coating yet … i have to look at some ano color

Titanium has it’s own oxidation coloring based on the voltage thrown through the acid mix.

I can anodize titanium for you, but I won’t be able to do this until I return from the upcoming event after mothers day. I’ll be on the other side of the country until then.

That i do know… its either Anodizing the easy way . or use them on the track and watch them change colors from the heat…

Titanium lug nuts. So much weight savings happening in here.

not really saving weight. something different for myself… and i had them custom made for myself with my logo…

saving 1lb of rotating mass is similar to 7lbs savings overall. Still silly $

any how any anodizing shops around?


just do it yourself. its pretty easy.

wierd if he wrote that last night i did not see it at all… defiantly will have to get in contact with boxersix.

if i had a spare piece of ti i would. not trying to mess something yet…

Its not like if you anodize it wrong the piece is junk. It just wont have the desired colors you want. Nothing serious.

i try them on the spares nuts there sending me…