Any help? Vband

i cant get my v-band tight enough!
its as tight as it can go but im still getting carbon blown all over my downpipe??
i searched for smaller sizes but the only thing smaller then 3’ was 2.5’.and that wont fit so im lost.any suggestions?
it would be greatly appreciated

is the bolt tension maxed out?

the little V that the two flanges fit in is probably spread out too much.

Is it a good one or some shitty ebay one?

its completely sure the flanges are welded correctly matt from hybrid fabbed it last seems good says 5 star on it.
i doubt don would have bought me a shit v-band.but then again,you never know.

I would have indeed NOT used a crappy part. Come on Jay wtf, who you talking about here.

Anyhow, try rotating the clamp and repositioning it. Sometimes the v band flanges aren’t lined up 100 % and rotating the clamp can reseat them.

if the clamp is tightening down 100% and it’s steel leaking the clamp itself is fucked up, or there is too much misalignment. You could try closing the V on the clamp a bit in a vice…

my vote is misalignment.

thats why i said i doubt don would have used shitty parts.silly i know you wouldnt.ill try bending the acctual v to better seal the two halves.

try giving “you know who” a call and having him yell at it for a minute… i bet it straightens right up

LMFAO i wonder who that could be


JD FTW! haha


The atp flange side could of the vband could be warped. If re-alignment of the downpipe and retightening doesn’t fix I would recommend pulling the adaptor flange off and getting it cut/ground flat.

On second thought, I vote for John Donovan yelling at it.