Any legal binding after sale of car?

Maybe someone with some legal knowledge can help me on this one.

I sold my Beretta about a month ago. At the time of the sale I described what I thought was wrong with it. I thought that the wheel bearing went out when I was driving it to work after I got it inspected.

I drove it home (10 miles) and parked it… The kid who bought it brough a wheel bearing and swapped it out. Still had the same problem.

It turns out that the lower dogbone mount had come loose. Tightened that down and it was fine.

He calls me up today telling me that now the input shaft for the transmission is shot (as told to him by a mechanic) because of the motor mount.

OK, so maybe that is the case. However, I am not a mechanice and I described the problems to the best of my mechanical knowlegde.

The car was bought for $1200 and there was no warranty implied, I mean hell I let him use my tools and garage to change the wheel bearing.

I get the feeling he’s gonna want his money back or want me to pay for the car. I have no idea how he drove the car in the meantime. I actually had someone tell me the other day they say my car around town and the kid driving it was racing another Beretta.

My question is, do I have any legal binding to the car after it is sold? Once it is in his name he assumes all liabilities? If there is any legal action, would this hold up in court?

Just want to double check all the angles before I go and say something…

There’s nothing he can do but get pissy with you.

I’m going to agree with this. Unless he’s got a warranty signed by you, it’s his problem.

I agree…and it was fuckin $1,200…tell him to stfu

AS IS a beautiful thing.

except to the owner.

I bought my bravada kind in the same situation…Ive put a good $500 plus insp plus 2 alignments later…yeah not happy bc I was told it needed a wiper motor. lol YEah I was pissed. But thats what I get for buying a truck w/ no inspection and trusting someone I though was my friend.

Hes just gotta eat it and deal with the fact that he bought a used car for dirt cheap.

Be glad you got rid of it before it died on you. :smiley:

On the other side, it’s kinda like ebay. If you screw one guy, everyone seems to find out about it.

A month is a long time though, he probably fucked it all up and is trying to get someone else to pay for his mistakes. If it died on the way home from the notary, that would be a different story. good luck

:kekegay: ill sell him a 6 month warranty…$180.

On a somewhat similar note, I sold my Beretta to my sister with her knowing it had some issues and that’s why I was selling it…So a little over two years later, after her leaving the car parked all this time, she thinks I’m going to fix the car now that the gas and brake lines are shot.

Right, I mean I didn’t have a problem with the shit he was talking about… He said the carpet was all wet in the back, the heater core went out, and the input shaft. I never had those problems. I told him that I can’t speculate how the car has been driven in the past month.

Don’t worry about it. If the car was fine then, you had no way of knowing what would happen a month down the road. Sucks for him, but it really isn’t your fault.

I know when I sold one of my old cars, AAA had both parties sign a sheet listing any known defects to the car to the best of the owners knowledge. It was their way of dealing with any situation like this. Any chance you did something of this nature as well?

Either way, you are in the clear on this situation. You don’t have to pay anything so long as you told him it was to the best of your knowledge what was wrong.

No there was nothing signed… He called about the car, I told him what I think is wrong with it. Offered to let him fix it in my garage. He paid me, transferred the title and he was on his way. I didn’t hear anything until last week when he said the heater core was acting up. Now he tells me that the tranny is shot. I offered to point him in the right direction, but I’m not buying the car back.

You’re doing more than enough to help him out, he should be greatful that you’re doing what you are.

What direction are you pointing him?

+1 When I sold my old Eclipse before I moved from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh, I wrote up a simple one line agreement. 1990 Mitsu eclipse vin #xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, odo reading xxxxxxx was sold to “Jose Garcia” for $1000 AS IS. And we both signed and dated it. I made a copy of it and that was that.

I think it would be hard for him to do anything about it even in small claims court. F him. You have done enough. While you are at it maybe you should write it all down and put dates etc just in case he does think he can take you to small claims.


Haha I just basically said “well if that is the problem, why not just replace the axle?”

I didn’t wanna talk myself into a hole so I just said we’ll discuss it later. Basically “discuss it later” is gonna be me telling him it’s up to him to fix.

I wouldn’t discuss it anymore at all. Just tell him sorry for his bad luck, but there is nothing you can do about it.

you have the legal obligation to tell him to go F*&% himself and stop being a cheap ass, he bought a car for $1200 its not like its a brand new car from the dealer

His only real recorse is to ‘TRY’ to take you to court. But he wont have a chance if the car was sold AS IS and didnt imply any warranty in your forsale listing.

in otherwords hes SOL. Tell him it was as is, and thats the way it stays. If he doesnt like it too bad. 1200 for a car that just needs an axle and a lower mount tightened is a steal.

That’s what I was thinking, it’s not a bad deal on a car that still had a $2,000 KBB value.

I talked to him and got it worked out. Thanks for all the input guys/gals.