any one have coils

you did that on your own from running GIAC k0-x software with the 50trim. my cat looks brand new on my car, coincidence, i think not…

Wait… you bought the car with a slipping clutch and didn’t even know it until MK4 drove your car? :wtf Not starting shit or anything like that, just curious is all. ;D

i drove it and goosed it a little and saw the tach jump quick, i was like hey did you know your clutch is shot?
i was looking forward to driving the little k03 car, they are so snappy compared to my lag machine

yea oh well. the 2-step woulda ruined it anyways. :lmao

Yeah that thing is smoked. I was going to say if it was slipping during shifting or slipping and then grabbing then maybe it just had some glaze on it from improper use. But yeah… if it’s doing that then it’s time for a replacement. :nod

maybe try some hairspray to hold it temporairly so he can just baby it around?

i know what a slipping clutch is, and its dual mass, once it slips there is no, ehh maybe it was a glazed spot. once they slip they are done for… too bad its not a travis clutch because atleast he could still floor it in 1-4th… it would only slip in 5th :crackup this thing is done for slips hard in all gears.


you and that hairspray, youre such a cob-jobber. better yet, he buys the clutch kit i linked him today, get it by thursday and give me the car this weekend and itll be an in and out job

TDI clutch is a DMF and it slips on command in 5th and sometimes in 4th if i goose it. but a lil hairspray lets it hold for close to a month.

you have to remember, i don’t have any other car to drive.

thats ghetto. so ghetto… is “goose it” gonna be your new catch phrase?

thats your fault. and a clutch isnt hard. the TDI has mk4 mounts, makes it a much easier job.

we’ll see. it does sound kinda catchy.

i concur.

Pete and Brett ::slight_smile:

and? unlike pete i try to help people, pete just posts anything he deems necesary, then tells kids to go search, even though he doesnt know it himself… i was about to go to bed last night, but got up, went and met this kid at like 130 in the morning with the coilpacks, then went back and checked out the car for him to see whats up. dont give me that rolling your eyes childish remark bro.

I just don’t want to see the bickering between you guys. I know you’re out there to help, and I know this kid and everyone else appreciate it.

this only occurs because pete feels he needs to post his trailer park clutch repair technique, which wont help anyone, then continues to post about his findings with his exhaust… i post in this thread what i see with the jetta this kid owns, and hopefully he picks up that clutch, i feel bad for this kid, nothing like buying a car then the clutch goes south on you.

i try to help people too! if i don’t know i’ll tell em to search or ask you.

oh, what do you mean “don’t know it himself”?

edit: sorry Brett for cluddering up this gentleman’s thread. i should’ve PM’d you. i apologoze sincerely.