Any other fellow NYSpeeders getting married tomorrow???

tommorows my big day. I know a few other folks on here had posted about weddings and such. It seems 7/7/07 is the most popular day ever.

Another one joining the club. :headbang: It’s an awesome time. Good luck remembering anything. It’s a fucking whirlwind.


bout time dave.

so, wheres it at? CRASHERS UNITE!


im gonna put out a APB for a green ranger lol



im gonna put out a APB for a green ranger lol


You forget the other three cars… :snky:

was going to get married this weekend but the hall we wanted was already rented I we booked almost 2 years ago. So mine is actually next weekend 7/14/07. We went in to pay upfront for everything and they had the date available them bastards but I still like the 14th.

congrats Dave …

We getting done on the low low … at a sandles resort somewhere

“THE NX” is getting married tomorrow, though i’m not sure how many people remember him.

Congrats Dave :tup:

congrats… my friend is getting married tomorrow as well.
in dunkirk though :slight_smile:

notbagging on anyone in this thread by any means … but i forsee record setting divorces for marriages that happened on 7/7/07

on the news they had one womanon, all excited, saying how they have only been engaged for like 2weeks, then heard about 7/7/07 and decided to got for it cause its lucky

2 weeks :bloated:

god damn. need more than luck these days, or any days throughout the course of history to surpass human nature. however, neither here nor there, and i give you my best :slight_smile:

i’m attending a wedding tomorrow, but not for a nyspeeder… lots of weddings i guess