Any paint / body people out the interested in a project?

Mods - Move this if you need to.

Looking for someone to do some bodywork and paintwork on my 69 Camaro. I haven’t found any free time to do it yet and I’d really like to get it out next season.

It is currently partially disassembled in my garage in Kenmore. Looking for similiar blue with white stripe color scheme. It does need some welding, but not too bad. Bodywork isn’t bad either. It’s more of a refresher from the 13 year old paint job it has.

Anyone interested in taking on this project, email me at [email=“”] and we’ll set up a time for you to check it out and see if you are interested and a price. Experienced body/paint person only. This isn’t meant to be a learning experience.

Some pictures of it can be seen in this thread:

i run a bodyshop and im sure for the right $amount, my guys would be willing to do the work for ya.

Depends on what the right amount would be. My Camaro will be a rolling advertisment for my websites, and and will also send business to the paint shop of people are satisfied with the work.

I can do paintwork, but I honestly hate the bodywork part of it. All depends on $$$

PM me your info and I’ll get in touch with you.

Got a few good responses. Any others?