My mother has been taking oxycontin for a botched surgery for awhile now and when she picked up her most recent script the pills are completely different. She takes the OC 80 ones that have the green painted on time release and they are white underneath, well these ones look exactally the same only theres no time release and the pill is all green all the way through. I tried looking them up but all i found was a DEA report about green pills that are completely green but are half the size and a different shade of green. i also saw something on a forum that says some pharmacy’s in cali in 06 were giving these out and they thought they were chinese knockoffs. she said these ones dont help as well as the ones she usually gets, and i dont wanna goto the pharmacy because if they are getting fake pills from china instead of what they are supposed to get then im sure they wont admit it because it would mean big trouble for them.
call the pharmacy pronto. unless your using a shady one. . . they will fix it right away.
I’d go to another pharmacy (not the same chain) with her and ask the pharmacist there. Oxycontin used to be generic, which means all kinds of different generic pharmaceutical companies could make the tablet (and the tablets can be different shapes and colors), but due to some litigation it has gone back to branded Oxycontin made by Purdue.
EDIT: I read through my info and it seems like the branded OC 80 is supposed to be green and it doesn’t list anything about it being white on the other side, so this pill sounds like it’s the brand name stuff. Did she end up paying more for her perscription this time?
i heard they are getting rid of the generic (footballs) withj the wax in them and all generic companys are gonna have to stop making them they allready stopped making the watson ABG’s and E7xx but anything stamped with an OC on it are perdue shes supposed to get the time release and the footballs are extended time release, so hers are 6 hour release and the others are 12 hour release. Now the site i refered to as saying someplace in cali was handing these out in 06 said they were a trial perdue extended time release that had the time release throughout the pill instead of just the outter coating but thats the only place that mentioned them. Like i said i dont wanna goto the pharmacy because if they are fake or bootlegged then it means the pharmacy was trying to cut corners and buy cheaper from someplace, they are noticably different and any pharmicist would see the difference imediatly so they knew what they were doing, or one of the pharmicist was trying to pull a fast one either way its not gonna be an easy situation.
yeah OC one side 80 on the other the markings and size are the same just no outter time release and they are completly green all the way through im gonna try to get a comparison pic
Ah ok. I’m not aware of any changes to the brand name oxycontin so I wouldn’t just let this slide. I went to a meeting on counterfeit drugs last semester and I think theres a website from the DEA that has listings of current counterfeit drugs. Let me go look it up in my notes and I’ll let you know if I find anything.
There’s no such thing as a 6 hour Oxycontin, only 12 hour (at least as far as indication goes). She may require it to be taken every 6 hours, but there isn’t a different formulation for it.
I guess it’s up to you if you want to find out what pill you have. You seem like you don’t want to bring it somewhere else because if it was a bootleg you don’t want to have this hassle of dealing with it? If the pharmacist is cutting corners you probably should notify someone, no?
Do they look like these?
yeah i saw something on the DEA site about the counterfiet ones that are fentynal but they are half the size different color and the markings arent as defined. thats also where i saw that pharmacys are trying to make money by buying pills from china where theres no law about making counterfit medication. These would fit the description of what she got and if the store did this like i said they would never admit to it. Narcotics are extremely controlled and if they had a supply of fake ones at there store it would be alot of work i think DEA checks up on supplies frequently and they make sure the number missing and the number of scripts better add up
thats what they usually look like and the time release is a coating if you scrape your finger along it its white underneath, these are green all the way through. im trying to get a pic but i never relized how hard it is to take a pic of a pill and see detail
I would check on to see if theres any updates on Oxycontin.
If she has any of her old ones left, compare them very closely. Make sure the tablets/markings are the same size.
I would probably take them to a different pharmacy and compare what you have to what the pharmacy has.
heres a pic i cant get good detail but its both sides and one that i cut in half to show what i mean
heres what they should look like as well as the counterfiet ones i was talking about
the one thats white inside is what the normal ones look like
hmmm… not sure what to say, but go talk to another pharmacist just to make sure.
Whatever you do don’t let her take the one you broke in half. She’ll get the whole dose at once instead of over time which could kill her, or at the very least make her sick.
her friend chews them up so im gonna give it to him and see if it works for him, he gets perscribed like 9 a day so it wont hurt
In that second picture you can see how the font of the markings are different.
If thats how it is in your case, I would call up Purdue and talk to them directly.
Their phone number is 1-888-726-7535.
Good luck.
in mine the markings are the same as the real ones/usuall ones thats the weird part its like they came of perdues press.
heres the post from 06 talking about these being given out in cali
yeah those lower ones look nothing like what they should i dunno how they passed them off to anyone