Fun experiment: Consume alot of Pepto Bismol

and drop a duce a day later.

I never used that shit, and I had an upset tummy this weekend, so I down a bottle of that pink nonsense.

I got a funny surprise today! lol Go try it and report back! :rofl

and for further LULZ, picture the dude in my avatar making that face after he tried the experiment! hahahah

great story.

You pooped a black tar like substance most likely lol…its from high amounts of magnesium you consumed through the pink stuff.

You should see what happens when you drink barium for a barium x-ray test. My shit was white for a least a week. Like yetti white.

:rofl :rofl, yeah i remember takin a few of the heart burn medicine and pepto bismol and stuff, shit is dark as night when it comes out…

I have green shit alot for some reason.


I aint dead yet

Someone. Sig. This. NOW!

I drink about a half bottle when extremely hungover. Talk about literally shitting bricks.

I got blackout shitstorm drunk on a 6 hour booze cruise in St Maarten last year. I was awake and literally don’t remember a good 3-4 hour chunk of time, although there are plenty of pictures.

I had a friend give me a bunch of charcoal pills to help me not have a hangover, but I didn’t remember taking them. Woke up the next morning, took a shit, got up and look down and it looked like I shit out black tar. I freaked, but I didn’t have a hangover!

They work?!

I think he said he gave me like 6. I can drink my ass off, and rarely get blackout drunk from just drinking, and usually get some wicked hangovers. From the level of drunk I was, I should have had a hell of a hangover but didn’t. Felt amazing the next morning, mixed myself a cocktail with breakfast.

I’m not sure where he got em, but they seemed to work well for me

Pretty sure those hangover pills from drug stores are the same thing

I almost want to say the bottle was from gnc but I think I remember him mentioning them not selling them anymore and he ordered them from some supplement supply place online. I’ll see the kid Wednesday I’ll ask him

ok lmk

doing this will give ya green shits

look at that amatuer lolol small tooter and all , i used a fuckin garden hose lol

(Would do stimulants with paws and drive the Evo around)

Done :rofl