What's the highest you've even been?

Vlad’s post in the moto section makes me think that everytime I read the preview title fro the index page.

So whats the most messed up you have even been? Drunk or stoned or both. what ever…

Lets see I was hammered and pissed on my own bedroom floor thinking I was at a urinal. Funneled some beers and turned right around and spewed them right back out faster than they went down… right at my GF’s face. Didnt know she was there. Thought I could ride my YFZ over the bonfire, and got high centered. Opps. Stumbled into my neighbors house accidently. And was so stoned it took me 3 hours to get home, 3 miles away. Ohhh and my avatar… that was a good time too!

Thats a decent start I think. Whacha got?

lololololololol ,oh man the shit i did you guys would think im nuts

post it! LOl I am looking for my “happy camper” pic I have from camp! lol

Being on dilaudid after surgery.
Got some pretty bad side-effects.
Lame thread, I though this was gonna be about geographic height and was gonna trump everybody by posting “airplane”.

I lost my car in New Jersey once, picked it up the next day.

I also was sitting in a bus stop for 45 min in the pouring rain drunk off my ass in Ocean City with two minorities nailing each other 3 ft over on the bench until mikefromsynapse was able to pick me up.

Aaaaaaand I got so drunk at a Christmas party I was throwing up and threw my Santa hat in the toilet and said “FUCK SANTA”

I barely remember/don’t remember either of those events :lol

one time i had a Zima and i swear i was seeing monkeys jumping out of the Tv while buttering their nuts with caulk.

A few years ago I smoked a bowl at about 12000’ does that count for anything?

I dunno about high, since I don’t drink or smoke, but I have been so tired that I started to lose it.

I hit a deer doing 80mph in May of 2006. A month later I was coming home from Philly VERY late (like 3am) and started to see HUNDREDS of deer cross the road. lol. I pulled over in Kingston and went to bed.

Thanks Paul

:rofl :rofl

Some dude gave me some brownies.

Holy fuck. Took me right back to my first time smoking pot, it was almost scary.


A few years ago I got hammered on vacation, but had to be up somewhat early the following day, I don’t remember why. Anyways, I remember pounding a few beers right before bed, hopped in bed in this house’s upstairs bedroom with the girl I was seeing at the time…sexytime commenced, I remember most of that no problem. Point is, my clothes were off and I was in bed.

The following day I woke on the top bunk of the children’s room in the basement soaking wet and fully clothed with a sea kayak in the living room outside of the kid’s room I was in.

Neither myself, the chick I was with, nor anyone in the house had any idea what I did in the period of time between my blasting a load on her stomach (read as gut :rofl) and my waking up in a state of confusion.

Benny also licked a guys ass totally sober once. Plenty of witnesses.

lol Benny. “The Hangover” style.

3rd party licked a man’s ass.

If we were in a lab and wanted to transfer ass material to your mouth, that’s how they’d do it.

I hate you

i once made special brownies with a half ounce. me and two other friends split the batch. i was so fucked up, i laid outside on the front step in the middle of january with nothing but a t shirt and shorts on. dont really remember much else, shit was scary as fuck.

:rofl :rofl That’s fucked up!

Extacy has gotten me by far more f’d then anything I have ever done. But let me set something straight for those of you who have never done it. You are completely comprehensive of your surroundings. If anything you feel smarter than before you took it.

You can’t really explain the feeling of being on it. The closest thing I can explain it as is living in Euphoria for 6-10 hours. EVERYTHING is awesome, you love everyone. You converse about things you would otherwise never mention. Then comes the music/lights/sensations. I can’t begin to describe what music and lights does to you. It is litterally the best feeling I have ever had times a billion. Think of that feeling you have AS you are having an orgasm and imagine feeling that for a very extended period of time.

When you finally come down, whatever it is you lay on to sleep will feel more comfortable than anything you have ever slept on. The next day you will have the best sex you have ever had and as long as you get enough sleep, the shimmer effect won’t be bad. Even at its worse its better than a hangover.


Take a warm shower while on it. HOLY FUCK. Talk about sensation.
Jump in a hot tub but only for a few minutes. Your body temp is already going to be high. The feeling is worth it.
Play house/techno as loud as you can and if you have party lights, use them. It feels like you brain is getting massaged.

Do it.

I agree :thumbup