Any Starcraft 2 players?

I’ve had this game for 2 years but I recently started playing hardcore 3 weeks ago. Im 20th place in my bronze division right now. Getting better each day.

The MLG championship was this weekend. I CANNOT believe how far the e-sports world has come. I’ve been watchiing this almost non-stop.

I played it nearly every day I wasn’t at work when I got my hands on it (around Dec), then for about 2 months after that.
Then I ended up tearing my house apart and haven’t touched it since :expressionless:
It’s on the list of things I’m looking forward to playing again.

How did you have it for 2 years? It came out last summer.
I expect most of my time to be taken up by Rift however…
I’ve been playing it this summer in between waiting for parts and such… I haven’t played it in about 4-5 months and it looks like they did some serious changes for the more awesomerist.

How’s SC2 world?
Better than it was?

I was luck enough to play the beta :slight_smile:

But yeah, the expansion is coming out soon. New units, new maps, terran still over powered.