Since we were playing CS:S made me wonder if anyone else out here still plays SC! I still play the UMS almost every day just for kicks. Anyone else still play a nine year old game?
omg i will decimate all at starcraft… i dont have it on this comp though… i think howie said he had some skills too but i never played him
wow, memories comin back! I used to own all when i was younger at that game!
I’m gonna have to dig through my old CDs and find it and brood wars…
i will crush all at starcraft. my M+M rush will dominate
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Now UMS games are far different than normal, they have RPGs, random defense games, its just so amazing what people come up with.
omg im soooo going to walmart tomorrow and buying this. seriously. i will own you all.
then again… i dont remember my stragties, ill need to do a little research
im sure my lightning reflexes are not so lightning as they were a decade ago. but no excuses.
i’ll buy it tomorrow also.
OK, ill play reg with you guys, BROOD war though
mmhmm, bring it kids I play that sheeeeit still.
<-- i play evolves in UMS. brood war ftw
wow i haven’t played in so long i used to be unstoppable online. i might have to brush off the dust on this one.
i play about 2-3 times a week
my acct name = gefahr -and- shift_dead
i play diablo 2 more than anything though =]
used to play on battlenet. But not super into it. Cpl friends of mine would devote about 40hrs a week to that fuggin game.
I still have it, however haven’t touched it in years.
Diablo 2 <3
I used to love playing starcraft too but I’ve forgotten almost all of it.
I was playing Diablo 2 a year or so ago, but all the HC nightmare + servers were dead. Impossible to find games.
Diablo 2 is back up and running…i play all day every day <3 leet items lol
is it really popular again? are the servers ( not noobie servers on normal, im talking hardcore servers on nightmare+ ) full?