

Is got back into it 6 months ago, and while its popular its also very gay. Pallys are now super strong and have bots just power leveling people all day, gay if you ask me

I love D2.

My favorite was going into 7vs1 comp games. Building forces and then going 6vsMe. It would turn a 10 minute comp stomp into an epic 3 hour battle, and I would usually win.

I was stupid high ladder rank. Would usually kill the fucks that went in on a 2v2 and then had their friend turn his/her back on me.

sending vulture bikes and laying some land mines near crystal shit in BGH = teh win


BGH is so terrible

I’ll probably buy this tonight. lol. and ninja gaiden.

anyone see boxer vids? his hands on the keyboards are just sick. lol.

I started playing again this week. anyone wanna play later

Ive been wanting to start back up. I wonder if my CD keys will still work. I remember buying 3 total copies cuz I kept forgetting my login and having to get new keys.

Got both original & Brood wars sitting at home. I’m ready.

haha i think i’ve probably bought 5-6 copies of SC in my time because I kept losing the cd case with the cd key on it. I think i still have 3-4 of the cd’s and a brand new brood wars that is unopened.

I just Reinstalled and using the new cd-less update, its time to play!


Im in…PM so you can text me later. ZERG FTMFW

i want sc2!

Zerg FTMFW in SC2

Shit, I never ended up buying this… I remember going to EB, but the warpack or whatever it’s called was sold out. I need to get this… maybe tomorrow on lunch I’ll search it out and play with you guys.

I wonder if D2 is still alive and kicking. Man Blizzard was awesome back in the fucking day.

That was awesome. I need a new computer pretty badly… but when I get one, and when SC2 comes out, I might break up with my gf.

If she plays, we will stay together.

paging rage87

he won a trip to china when he was like ~12 iirc

I miss Diablo 2 alot though :tup:

If anyone still plays PM me I still have all my disks and what not


d2 account?

i dont think starcraft will work with 64bit vista so im screwed lol. i use to be great at that game

well, looks like the starcraft marathon must be put off untill tomorrow, even though I did get some intense UMS games in. We all gotta play a defense one and it will be hella fun