any way to find out who did this?

that is shitty, but i have to say, it made me laugh out loud.

Someone should do it again now. :lol:

Remind me never to give my number to any of you guys!

For the record, I don’t mean that. Mike seems like a good guy.

Poor bastard. :mamoru: That sucks. Does voicemail use your minutes?

good advice.


Sorry mike, and, it wasn’t me

It is kinda funny.

Hopefully it doesnt pop back up.


Someone, repost!

Put up a new “ad” stating that the car is not for sale.

^^ with your phone number. :lol:

Maybe someone figured since its been a few months that you’ve owned the car it was time for a new one. LOL

weak sauce. my buddy did a craigslist ad for my name email and phone number stating that i had a porn collection my wife was making me get rid of because we had a kid on the way. he then listed about 20 titles of porn movies and left my phone number. I got about 120-135 phone calls in one day…damned good prank. My hat went off to him.

WOW that many calls?

This happens alot. Could have been worse:


link still works :gotme:

aha, i lol’d

nice… I would change your VM to say “mustang not for sale” to save yourself some work.