Anybody have any honda wheel bearings on warranty

I need both front wheel bearings for my 90 teg and figured someone on here might have a recipt for ones covered at autozone or somewhere. Not sure if any other honda wheel bearings will fit, maybe dc integra? I’ll hook the person up with $20 to let me use there slip and get their warranteed part instead of paying like $80 for each one. Thanks.

i should have one …check and see if 2000 dc are the same

will do thanks!

No wonder parts cost so much :rant:

quick search on autozone and it seems to be only 90-93 integra’s have the same part number. tried 90 accord, crx si and 95 integra. all have their own part number. damnit. Oh and they are $160 each not $80. Fuckkkk.

believe me they are still making out like bandits on everything they sell!..the reason why parts cost so much has more to do with fuel than warranty issues.

so they arent gonna check and see that they arent autozone ones and that they are factory ones. they deserve it even though you are a cheap ass jew.


$160 per wheel bearing? Wow…I almost feel bad…I replaced all of them on the back of my car, inner and outter…$24 for for the whole set…