I’m really bored tonight, anyone up for anything?
mighty tonight
yea ill be at mighty
mighty where?
the only migthy that we have meets
that helps, nevermind…
went cruising with like 8 cars, should have came eric
i’m really bored tonight…makes me laugh…predicting the future.as if u were already there…ANYWAYS…If i get the beast back after new part #9, i’ll be there
Why don’t you put a DATE in your title so people know whether or not this thread is old or new
i thought it was tonight and then deleted my message later teehee
I figured since it was the top thread people would think it was current…my bad
how about tonight? I work till 9, nothing to do after…
i’m down eric, i wouldn’t mind cruising
yea mighty around 9:30
want me to stop by and we can cruise up to mighty?
sure, lil after 9 then? we’ll be waiting :tup:
Where do you want me to meet you? it will be around 9:30 though, I have to pick up the fd.
good stuff :tup: was nice to do some pulls again its been a while
I seen a few cars with wnyfbody stickers and I didn’t know who they were? wtf? :lol: